End 5: Tsukishima: Be Quiet

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Yes, that's the first word that greets you in this ending. Can't mean anything good. I am currently suffering. I'm in the same class as Hitoka, which is a class for advanced students. So obviously you would assume I'm a smart kid. Well... Your not wrong, but at the same time your sort of not right either. I'm pretty sure I've explained this before, but the reason why I have such good grades currently is because I study a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. 

If I were to study as much as the usual student, I'd probably get as high of a score on a test as Shoyo and Kageyama. It used to have been like that in my first two years in middle school, but somewhere in the middle of my second year, I decided to try harder to get better grades. But studying for me is...

"So hard! Why is this so hard...?" I complain as I bury my head in my notebook.

"Shut up. Your being too loud shorty." 

"Whatever giant..." I shot back, my voice was muffled. Oh yeah, Tsukishima was there.

He had a grumpy look on his face. "Geez, I can't believe I have to waste my time helping you. I thought you were in the advance class." The reason why he was here? He was helping me study. Like I said, studying is hard for me, so even though I was in class 5, I still needed help occasionally. Usually I get it from Hitoka since we're in the same class and she's really nice when doing it... UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE!

"You say that, but you were quicker to help me then you were with Kageyama and Shoyo. Didn't take much convincing." Unfortunately, this time Hitoka was busy and I REALLY needed help this time. The only other person in my club that is in the same year as me and can help me would be this guy right here.

"You're not as annoying as the two of them."

I giggle a little. "Oh wooooww thanks. So I'm still annoying but not as annoying?" I playfully kick him under the library table. Oh that's right, we're also in the school's library. The author thought she should put that in. Make it a confession in the library, you know? "I'm not accepting that reasoning. Give me a better one!"

His eyebrows furrow as he shushed me again before answering. "You're not as stupid as them, so your not as much of a pain to teach as them."

"So I'm also still a pain? Good to know. Whoa this study session is so informative."

"My pain. But anyway, someone has to teach you." He sighs. "I guess that's my job now."

"Hold up... Back up a moment." He freezes. He knows what he just said. "Oh ho~ Your pain~. I didn't know I was that special to you." I said teasingly.

He turns his head away and stands up to walk over to a bookshelf. "I said no such thing. You're stupid remember? You probably heard me wrong."

I followed him to the bookshelf. After putting a book away, he turned to look at me when I suddenly have him pushed against the bookshelf. I was basically kabedoning him. He was up against it and with both of my arms on either side of him.

He was momentarily surprised but then it quickly changed into an irked look, but I also noticed that his cheeks were a little pink. "It's a little weird for a shorty like you to be doing this to a tall guy like me."

I ignored what he said and a small smirk formed on my lips. "You may be right about me mishearing that. However, I actually tend to have good hearing, and I never mishear something I want to hear. you know what I mean?" To my pleasant surprise, the color in his cheeks had darkened a little. Never thought that would be possible for a guy like Tsukishima. "Heh, never thought you of all people could act this cute!"

He looked more annoyed. "We're in a library, how many times to have to tell you to shut up?" He says as he lifts up my chin and kisses me, I was quick to return it.

Once we parted, I giggle. "What a creative way to get me to be quiet."

"I hope it stays that way."

I gave a thoughtful look. "Hmm... I don't know, maybe I'll just continue being loud to get more kisses."

His eyebrows furrow again. "Ugh. Why did the girl I like have to be a loud one?"

"Because it would be no fun if you dated someone who didn't argue back."

"Actually..." He smirks. "You might be on to something. I guess it wouldn't be so bad having you as a girlfriend."

I raised an eyebrow. "What? Were you planning on kissing me and NOT going out with me? You know I wouldn't let you get away with that right? You'd have a death wish otherwise."

He sweat drops. "Normally I would think that you were joking but knowing you, you're most likely telling the truth."

"You know me so well.~"




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