Chapter 33- The Spring Tournament

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Yoohoo! It's the first day of the spring tournament! Just like at the previous tournament, I had to sit up in the bleachers while Kiyoko takes care of the manager duties by the court. This time however, I have Hitoka joining me. I also know a certain someone who is going to be joining us and I was quickly dragging Hitoka over.

"Angelina!" I called out to the girl that was sitting on some of the front bleachers, getting her attention. Hearing my voice, she turned to me excitedly but then it turned nervous when she saw the also nervous girl that I was dragging with me. 'Oh that's right. I almost forgot that Angelina was a bit shy.' I was used to the fact that she wasn't shy with me, that I sort of forgot.

"H-hi!" She greeted. 

I also greeted back with a smile. "Hey. This is Hitoka, the new manager and the friend I've told you about!" I said, gesturing to Hitoka excitedly who began stuttering with nervousness.

"I-It's nice to meet you!"

"N-nice to meet you too!" They both greeted each other shyly. I just look between the two of them with my usual big smile, happy that I get to introduce my two friends to each other.

Our first match started, and we immediately got the first point from a serve from Asahi. After that, Karasuno continued to score point after point. Things weren't looking good for the other team. We went through the first and second set no problem, we won the match.

After the match, the boys should be taking a small break right now. The three of us were talking. "Your guy's team is lucky to have an easy start." Angelina said.

I nodded my head at her words. "Yeah. Although I do kind of feel bad for the other team."

"Eek!" I heard a small yell coming from Hitoka. The two of us turn to her in confusion.

"Hitoka? What's wrong?" I ask.

"You just yelled out of nowhere." 

Shaking, Hitoka pointed over towards the court. When we saw what she was looking at, our eyes widened. Down on the court on the Kakugawa team, there was a REALLY tall member.

"Tall!" We both shouted.

"Hey... Isn't that the next team yours is going up against?" Angelina asks me and Hitoka.




Ah crud.

(Time Skip)

Unlike in our first match, the other team managed to get the first point by a spike from the tall guy. The three of us started to feel uneasy. This match will most likely not be an easy one. Angelina looked down at him. "I get the feeling that he's new to volleyball."

We turned to her. "You think so? How can you tell?" I ask.

She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know, but I just get that feeling. But his height gives him a big advantage."

I let out a 'huh' and looked back at the court with some worry. "If that is the case, he could be a problem in the future if he were to get better at volleyball."

Hitoka started freaking out a little. "Th-that doesn't sound good."

I began to get even more worried when our team ended up having to call a timeout. At some point during the game however, we saw Kageyama talking to Daichi about something and apparently whatever it was, it made Shoyo look excited and nervous. "Huh? He's really sparkly."

I laugh a bit. "It looks like he's having fun. I'm glad!"

I then understood what he was excited about. Because soon after Shoyo and Kageyama did their new quick. As expected like from the first weird quick that they did, the other team was really surprised.

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