Chapter 7- End of the Match

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Oikawa and I made our way back to the gymnasium where the practice match was being held. On the way there, I kept on catching him looking at me with a goofy grin on his face. It could just be my imagination but I thought I kept on hearing him saying something along the lines of 'so cute' being whispered very quietly. I would look around but I didn't see anything that could be labeled as cute. Oikawa Toru... what a strange person.

When we reached the gymnasium and he opened the door, there was so much screaming, and it sounded like it was mostly, or maybe even all girls. I was afraid of being the center of attention so I snuck my way over to my team and gave Kiyoko her drink, and apologized for being late.

I looked towards everyone on the team to see that they were all looking at the Aoba Johsai captain. When I saw Kageyama's expression, he had a look that was a mix between shock, nervousness and displeasure. He mentioned on the bus that there was someone on that team that he wasn't looking forward to seeing. I guess that someone is Oikawa then.

Kageyama explained to everyone who he was and that he was his upperclassman back in junior high. Right after doing so, said guy turned to face him. "Yoo-hoo! Long time no see, Tobio-chan." He waved with a smile. "So nice to see you. You still doing the king thing?" Something about the way he said that makes it sound like he's actually not happy to see him, and his smile seemed a little fake. It came off as strange to me and I don't understand. When we first met, sure his smile seemed a little fake, but he didn't seem like a bad person. Just who is he?

Kageyama didn't say anything back to him and instead continue speaking to his teammates. He said how he learned serving and blocking just simply by watching him play and how Oikawa is a really powerful player. His words seemed worrying but he had a small look of determination on his face despite that. He turned to Shoyo. "We have to focus on the match now. We're going to win the final set for sure." Shoyo nodded his head in agreement.

I happened to see Tanaka looking over at the Aoba Johsai captain with one of his faces. I pulled on Kageyama's sleeve to get his attention. "Kageyama, Tanaka is looking at him funny. Should we stop him?" I asked. 

When he turned to see Tanaka, his eyes widened and he shouted at him. "Tanaka-san, please stop with the intimidation!" I laughed at this, but I also failed to notice something. 

Oikawa seemed to have notice that Kageyama and I were a bit close. He wasn't surprised really, but he hadn't expected him to be close to anyone. 'Tobio-chan made a new friend huh? Interesting...' He thought to himself.

The teams went back to playing, with Oikawa sitting out for a bit to warm up. Karasuno kept at it and was now one point away from victory. 'Come on guys... one more point!' I cheered in my head. Unfortunately, it didn't take too long for Oikawa to step in and start playing. 'Why do I have a bad feeling?...'

It was just as I feared. He made a powerful serve towards Tsukishima, who was unable to receive it, earning a point for Aoba Johsai. He then did another serve that went the same way and earned another point. The whole Karasuno team started to feel a bit uneasy.

Luckily however, the third time he served, it was received. The ball went to their side and then back to ours, and when it did... Kageyama set the ball to Shoyo and he landed a spike. With that, we scored the one last point we needed to win not only the set, but also the match. Everyone on the Karasuno team cheered.

After the match, We all rode the bus back to our school and had a meet up in our gymnasium. After that, we all got ready to go home.

(Meanwhile with Iwaizumi and Oikawa)

The two third years were still in their gymnasium with the other players. Right now they're talking together. Iwaizumi was the first to speak. "Kageyama has become more amazing."

Oikawa was messing around with a volleyball as he responded. "Yeah. That genius was spinning his wheels, but finally found his destination. No commoner could hold a candle to him now."

"Yeah? You're no match for him either, huh?"

The setter stopped throwing the ball and was now looking at it in his hand. "When it comes to the toss. There's probably no one in the prefecture who could match Tobio's toss." He started spinning the all on his finger, not noticing his friend moving somewhere behind, and was unaware of the pain that will come to the back of his head in a short while. "But he's not better than me at serving, blocking, or spiking. Ouch!"

He turned to look at his friend who had an angered look on his face. "Damn it Oikawa! Don't say that his toss is better than yours! You're a setter aren't you?!"

"But I'm only being honest!"

Iwaizumi decided to change the subject, and he had a look on his face that was serious and said that he better have a good reason for what he was about to say. "Anyway, when I saw you come in, you came in with Karasuno's manager. You better not have been fooling around with her were you?" He had a scary look on his face.

He tilted his head a bit. "Hm? Her? I found her wandering the halls. Apparently she couldn't find her way back to the gym." He did a closed eyed smile and but a hand to his chest, looking a little dramatic. "So being the gentleman that I am, I helped guide the lost kitten back." He sighed happily. "She was such a cutie.~"

His friend's face became even more scary looking, making the captain flinch a bit. "You..." He said in a dangerously low voice. "You better not be planning on cheating on your girlfriend. I won't tolerate our captain being a cheater."

Oikawa's face looked a little alarmed. "No Iwa-chan! That's not what I meant when I said cute."

Iwaizumi's face went from angry to confused. "Huh?"

He watched as the setter placed both hands on his own cheeks and looked about ready to fanboy. "She's just so tiny and adorable! Why can't she be our cute manager? I want to squish her cheeks.~"

Aaaaaaannd Iwaizumi's face went not just back to being angry looking, but also a bit disgusted. He picked up another volleyball that was lying around and had again, struck the captain at the back of the head with it. "Quit acting like a creep Shittykawa! Its bad enough having your annoying fangirls around, and I'm not about to have you start harassing girls! Seriously, who knew you could be such a creep." 

Oikawa looked at his friend, looking offended and holding the back of his head in pain. "So mean Iwa-chan!"

"Stop acting creepy you creep!" 

Yet another ball was launched at Oikawa, who tried his hardest to dodge, but failed. "Ack!"

Everyone else on their team watched the two of them from afar, wondering what the heck the captain did to make their ace more mad then usual.

I am so sorry! I originally thought about finishing one of my fanfics, which only had the endings left to do, before continuing this fanfic. But it has just been too long since I updated this so I decided to upload. 

To make up for those who have been waiting, I'll focus on making a few chapters for this fanfic and focus only on it. I'll try making them in a short amount of time. Anyway, right now, I'll focus on just this to make up for it. Once again, I'm so so so sorry for the wait!

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