End 9: Hitoka: Warm Like Hot Chocolate

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My heart was beating so fast...

Because there was room on my bed for two people, we all decided that I would share the bed with someone. I remember the look on Angelina's face when Hitoka was going to be sleeping in the same bed as me. That smirk on her face... She didn't saying anything, but I swear she must have been teasing me in her head!

I couldn't sleep... How could I when my crush is sleeping right next to me! I roll over on my side and grabbed my phone which was on the nightstand. I checked the time and it was around midnight. Making up my mind, I let out a sigh before quietly getting out of bed and left my room.

I made my way down the stairs and into the quiet kitchen. Time for a midnight snack! Some fruit would be nice, and maybe even some hot chocolate (Oh... Now author wants some, yet here I am drinking apple tea at midnight...).

After I finished putting together a small bowl of fruit, I was about to get started on making my drink when I heard some footsteps nearby. I stopped what I was doing to listen to them. I listen to them getting closer. Close to the point where the owner of the footsteps entered the kitchen.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw Hitoka walk in. When she saw me, a shy smile appeared on her cute face. "Ah! (Y/N)."

"Hitoka? What are you doing up?" I asked her.

She nervously laughed. "I woke up and noticed you weren't in bed, so I went looking for you."

My eyes widened a bit. "I'm sorry. You didn't have to do that."

She shook her head. "It's fine." She looked at what I had out. "Hungry?"

I scratched the back of my head. "Not exactly hungry, but I did want a small snack. I'm making some hot chocolate as well. Since you're down here, would you like some?"

She smiled with slightly red cheeks. "Y-yes please."

'She's so cute.' I felt myself blush. I got to work on making the two hot chocolates. Once I finished, I set one down in front of Hitoka and sat next to her. Together we enjoyed the fruit and drinks.

Hitoka sighs happily. "This is nice. I guess even outside of school we eat together."

I smile at her words. "I guess that is true isn't it? We almost always have lunch together."

"And share our food." She takes a sip. "The food you make is really good."

I laugh. "Don't forget to give yourself some credit. I really love your food. It gives me this nice feeling inside."

She blushes and becomes a stuttering mess. "I-I wouldn't mind m-making a bento for you s-sometime..." Seeing the blush on her cheeks brought a small feeling of hope into my heart.

I couldn't help but blush as well. "I would really love that!" She becomes even redder, which made me worried. 'O-oh no! I hope she's okay. Maybe she wasn't blushing because of me...' 

She looked down at her cup. "U-um (Y/N)?" 

"Yes?" I remained still and quiet, waiting for whatever she had to say.

"I-I really enjoy the times we spent together. In class, during lunch and club activities. I also enjoy helping you study and watching the games with you."

My eyes were wide with wonder. "Hitoka... What are you trying to say?"

She gulps nervously. "Wh-what I'm trying to say is... I don't want to be friends anymore."

Of course my idiot self thought she meant something else. I felt my heart shatter. "You don't want to be friends? Wh-where did I go wrong?"

She started freaking out. "N-no! That's not what I meant!"

Relief flooded through me. "It's not? Then what do you mean?"

She took a deep breath, like she was trying to settle whatever nerves she had, but of course, she actually ended up being an even bigger stuttering mess then before. "(Y-Y/N)... I-I-I really l-like y-you... L-like as in l-love..."

"Hitoka..." If my heart wasn't beating fast and my cheeks weren't as red as a tomato before, they sure are now.

She suddenly stood up from her chair and bowed, looking like she was begging. "W-will you p-please be my g-girlfriend?!"

I also quickly stood up from my chair and kissed her, catching her by surprise. "I love you too! I would love to be your girlfriend!" I confessed.

Her face practically exploded with the color red. Did I just see steam coming out of her? "Wh-why did you k-kiss me?"

I stood confused for a second before I spoke embarrassingly. "You just said that you loved me, and I confessed back."  I then brought a hand to my mouth. "Sorry! Was the kiss bad?!"

"N-no! That wasn't it! It was... I-It was n-nice..." She said before attempting to hide her face.

I stared at her for a second before smiling. I pulled her hands away from her face and pulled her into a kiss, and she soon closed her eyes and kissed back. 

The kiss tasted like chocolate, and the warmth we now feel in our hearts, is as warm like the hot chocolate we drank.




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