End 7: Kiyoko: In My Girlfriend's Arms

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I was nervous, and my heart was pounding so hard. Earlier we discussed who would be sleeping where. I would naturally get my bed of course, since it is my bed. However, there was enough space on my bed for two people, so I could share with someone, while the other two take the floor. The person who I was sharing my bed with was 'Kiyoko...'

Sure I've shared a bed with her a few times, but that was then and this is now! I didn't have feelings for her back then, but now that I've developed feelings for her... Ugh! It's so embarrassing I can't sleep! My heart just won't stop pounding. I wasn't facing her, but I could feel her warmth right next to me.

Ever since we first met, she has been so kind and patient with me. It's what made me want to be friends with her, but the more I spend time with her, the more I enjoy her company and I just want to spend even more time with her. But... She's so pretty and amazing, lots of guys like her. Would I even have a chance with someone as great as her?

"(Y/N)? Are you awake?" I heard her whispering voice right next to me. I turned to face her.

"Y-yes. What is it?" I nervously asked.

She looked at me, a little worried. "Are you okay? You were squirming a little."

I felt myself heat up a little in  embarrassment. "I-I didn't realize I was. Did I wake you...?"

"It's fine."

'So I did wake her up...' I felt even more embarrassed. "I'm so sorry!" I whispered yelled as I tried to hide underneath the covers, but she stopped me.

"Like I said, It's fine. I just want to know if anything is wrong." She says, tightly holding onto one of my hands. Her hand felt so warm and soft.

'This is just making it worse!' I screamed in my head. "I'm just feeling a little shy."

She raises an eyebrow at me, like she doesn't believe me. "But we've slept in the same bed before at my place a few times during training camp, what's there to feel shy about now?" And I was right, she doesn't believe me.

"I-I know..." I unconsciously squeeze her hand.

She notices and takes a good look at my red face, with me shyly trying to look away from her. A small smile forms on her face. "(Y/N), your acting so cute." She gives me a kiss on the cheek. "I love you."

Steam was practically coming out of my ears at this point. It took me a while to calm down, but once I did, I was able to say my feelings for her. "I love you too..." She then pulled me in closer to her. We gazed into each others eyes for a second, before closing them and kissed.

We stayed that way for a while, with me in the comfort of her arms, in a gentle embrace. Before long, the two of us drifted off to sleep. 

I had a wonderful sleep that night. I felt comfortable, warm, safe, and pleasant. There is no other place I wish to be in right now, other then the arms of my now girlfriend.




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