Chapter 35- The Team's Dad

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The next day came. It was now time for the match against Wakunan. Our usual little trio was up in the bleachers watching them. We were then approached by Shimada, from the neighborhood association, who came to watch. He greeted us. "Heyo." He waves.

Hitoka and I smiled and greeted him back. "Ah, Shimada-san, hello." Said Hitoka.

"Hello. Are you by yourself?" I ask. Usually the other guy from the old team would be here as well but we don't see him.

"Takinoue has work today. He said he could probably come by in the afternoon." He explains. He then notices Angelina. "Hm? Who's this?"

"I-I'm a friend of theirs." Ah, the shy Angelina is back.

Then me and Hitoka heard a familiar voice. "Man, I'm getting hyped. This really gets you fired up, huh?" It was Saeko.

"Hello." Hitoka and I greeted her.

She salutes. "Hey! Thanks for always taking care of Ryunosuke. I'm his older sister, Saeko." She introduces herself to Shimada and Angelina. When she saw me she immediately into a tight hug. Although this time, I couldn't do anything about it. Why? Let's just say I found my weakness... When she hugged me, she ended up pulling me tightly into her chest, pretty much suffocating me so I couldn't do anything but suffer the tight hug and lack of air. "Well if it isn't little (Y/N)! How are you doing little cutie?"

"Mph! Mmmph!" My voice was muffled so you couldn't hear it.

She then finally let go and I collapsed onto one of the seats behind me. Hitoka and Angelina called out to me in worry. "(Y/N)!" Angelina was worried that I might've ended up biting someone again. But this time, instead of worrying about another person's safety, this time she's worried about mine. I did not plan ahead of what to do against an attacker with large ta-tas. I couldn't do anything against them. They are just too dangerous. The biting beast is no match against the big tit monster.

After the big tit monster let me go, she started cheering loudly while waving her arms around. "Ryu! Ryu-chan! I came to cheer you on!" Noya looked excited to see her while Tanaka look terrified. 

"Eh?! What happened to (Y/N)?!" Shoyo shouted in worry when he saw me nearly passed out on the bleachers.

Tanaka also yelled when he saw this. "Eek! My sister killed her!" He started freaking out, along with Shoyo.

Kageyama scoffs. "You idiots she isn't dead." he then also looked up at me. He saw my soul leaving my body with Hitoka and Angelina trying to retrieve it and put it back in. He sweat dropped. "I think?"

When the first set started, Karasuno ended up getting the first point. Normally one would be happy about their team scoring and getting the first point of the set, but in this case... We were worried. The other team didn't seem fazed with the quick, which is worrisome. And worried we should be, but not for the other team... But for our captain.

At some point during the first set, Daichi and Tanaka both tried to receive the ball at the same time, and they ended up running into each other harshly. Tanaka didn't seem to be badly hurt, he was okay enough to continue playing. But Daichi...

We were about to cheer because the receive went over the net and we got a point, but we stopped when we saw that Daichi didn't get up from the ground for a good while. He did get up eventually, however he didn't look to be in good shape. I couldn't tell what they were saying from where I was, but it seemed clear that Ukai wanted him to go to the infirmary. After Daichi started making his way there, Ukai looked up to the bleachers where we were and gave Hitoka and I a signal for one of us to go and accompany him.

I turned to my two friends. "I'll go. I REALLY want to make sure he's okay. I'm so sorry for having to leave!" I apologized.

Angelina waved her hand dismissively. "Hey now it's fine! You go and make sure your captain is fine."

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