Chapter 14- Sleepovers and Kenma

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Dinner had been over a while ago and I was now at Kiyoko's place. We didn't know what to do, so we decided to just chat. We talked about many different things and it was a lot of fun. We were now on the topic of my journal when she asked about it. "(Y/N), what is with the journal Tsukishima tried to take?" Kiyoko asked.

"Huh? Oh, it's where I write stories. I like writing and Shoyo likes to read them." I explained. I started to rub the back of my neck, embarrassed. "I don't like it when anyone else reads it, so I got kinda got really mad at Tsukishima. Sorry you had to see that... Sometimes it's hard to control my anger when I get... well... angry." 

She shook her head. "That's quite alright. You were upset. I heard of some ways that can help calm a person down. Want me to tell them to you?" She suggested.

A smile grew on my face. "Yes please!"

We continued talking for a bit, but at some point we were interrupted by the sound of screaming off in the distance. Then there was a voice yelling afterwards, that we can faintly hear. "You guys shut up!"



"Come on (Y/N), let's head to bed. We have an early day tomorrow." Said Kiyoko.

I nodded my head and followed her. "Yeah, good idea..."

(Next Day)

After a bit of practice inside the school's gymnasium, the boys were going to go out running. I wasn't a player, but I decided to join them for the fun of it. I was chatting with some of the third years while running with them. I looked ahead of the group and I saw Shoyo and Kageyama at the front of it. Apparently, Shoyo thought it was a good idea to treat this like a race against the setter and decided on running as fast as he can with his eyes close. Before he could go out of view, I made up my mind to go after him and excused myself from the group.

It's a good thing that I'm also a fast runner. I mean, I bike the same distance to school as Shoyo and he would make me go running with him sometimes. When we were kids, we'd often race each other. It would be more of a surprise that I couldn't run fast. I was slowly catching up with him as he continued to run blindly. I then was able to get close enough to him and I tried to grab him to get him to stop. "Shoyo stop!" Unfortunately I ended up tackling him to the ground by accident. "Ugh... Seriously Shoyo?" I looked down at him. He had a shocked look on his face and I didn't notice the slight pink that dusted his cheeks.

"S-sorry!" We quickly got off the ground. He looked around. "Did we get lost?" 

I looked around as well. 'Darn, I was so focused on going after Shoyo that I didn't pay attention to which way we were running.' The two of us then both heard the meowing of a cat. We looked over see where it was coming from only to see a boy who was nearby, on his phone.

Shoyo and I looked towards each other and shrugged our shoulders. Shoyo then put on a smile and called out to the mystery boy. "What are you doing?"

The boy looked our way, surprise evident on his features. "Um... I'm lost..."

We both went up to him. "You're from out of town?" Shoyo asked. The boy nods his head. It was silent again before Shoyo decided to jump and crouch down beside him, asking more questions. "Is that fun?" He asked, referring to the game he was playing on his phone.

He was momentarily startled, but his face went back to looking straight faced. "Not really."

Again silence, but not for long. Again, for the third time, Shoyo startles the poor boy by suddenly exclaiming. "Are you a volleyball player?" The boy looks at him, confused. Shoyo pointed at the boy's bag. "Those are volleyball shoes."

The boy looked towards his own bag to see his shoes sticking out of it. "Oh, yeah."

Shoyo pointed to himself. "I'm in a volleyball club too. I'm Hinata Shoyo." He then points to me. "That's my friend (L/N) (Y/N)."

I waved at him. "Hi I'm one of the managers of our team. Sorry about Shoyo." Shoyo looked my way questioningly, wondering what I meant.

"That's fine, um... Kozume..." The boy looked down shyly.

We both looked at him curiously. Shoyo leaned close. "Kozume? That's your name?" 

"Kozume..." He looked at us for a split second before looking back away. "Kenma..."

Shoyo smiles and continues to question him. "So you're Kenma. Are you in high school?" How many questions does he need to ask?


"What year? We're first-years."

"I'm a second-year."

Shoyo looked alarmed and started apologizing. "Crap. You're older than me. Pardon me!"

"Don't worry." He reassured him. "I don't really like that kind of status stuff in athletics."

Shoyo rubs the back of his head. "Oh, is that so? Um... Do you like volleyball?"

Kenma thinks for a moment. "Not particularly. I kind of just do it. I don't dislike it, but I don't like getting tired."

I tilted my head. "Then why do you play?" I asked.

He looked towards me, then back at his phone. "My friends play, and they probably can't do without me."

The two of them then went on, talking about their teams and positions. I just decided to listen to their conversation. When Shoyo was about to ask him what team he was on however, he was interrupted by someone.


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