Chapter 32- Barbeque!

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It was the final day of the training camp. Karasuno was just about to do their last match, which was going to be against Fukurodani. The guys were exhausted before, but after I looked away for a second and back, three of them were singing and dancing with Kageyama awkwardly joining in.

"♪Meaty meat, meat, meat, meaty meat! Put 'em together, you get meat and meat! meaty meat, meat! Hooray for meat! Energy times a hundred! Yoo-hoo! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Meat is god! Meat is god!♪"

I can understand why they're excited, it's barbeque! But what's up with what I just saw? And how did they know about it?! I knew about it because some of the managers helped with meal preparation, and I was one of them. When I turned my attention to the Fukurodani team, I couldn't help but laugh a little when I saw how horrified they looked when they saw the sudden burst of energy from the meat singing group.

You could really tell that our team was getting better. They showed major improvement and change in our final practice match with Fukurodani. We were even able to get ahead a couple times, but in the end we lost. However, when it's time to take part in the Spring tournament, we will do whatever it takes and win!

After doing their final penalty and doing a bit more of some practice, it was time for the barbeque. Me and the other managers finished up preparing everything. Coach Nekomata gave a small speech while all the boys were drooling as they eagerly wait. When he finished, everyone immediately started going for the food.

I was suddenly approached by Bokuto. "(Y/N)! Let me teach you the ways of hunting!"

I looked at him confused, wondering what he meant. "Hunting?"

He nods his head, still drooling. "Yeah hunting! Specifically stealing food. I shall teach you the ways of food stealing! Hunting!" He shouted while making his way to one of the grills. I already often steal food from Shoyo and pretty much anyone else who eats with me (poor Hitoka). I would not dare miss the opportunity of learning new ways to do it. I may be small, but my stomach was basically bottomless. I excitedly followed after Bokuto towards the grill where Kuroo and another volleyball player were at.

Plate and chopsticks in hand, Bokuto creeped up behind, trying not to get seen by the bedhead captain. "Listen (Y/N), in order to steal food successfully, the trick is to not get caught." I intently listened to him. "Then you sneak in and quickly strike when you get the chance!"

I nodded my head eagerly. "I see!" I looked up at him, eyes sparkling. 

Bokuto couldn't help but blush a little from the adorableness. He then felt a burst of determination. Alright! He was ready to steal food for her if it meant she'd keep on making that cute smile. Time for hunting!

Following Bokuto's lead, the two of us creeped over while Kuroo wasn't looking and we both swiped all the meat off the grill. Unfortunately, it didn't go unnoticed. Kuroo noticed last minute. He quickly grabbed Bokuto by the back of his shirt. However, we already quickly ate the meat as we stuffed it in our mouths. "Hey! Bokuto, you bastard! Don't you steal my meat you jerk!" He then noticed me, pretty much right next to him, also eating the stolen meat.

"Hi!" I greeted with my mouth full, waving innocently.

Bokuto looked at me proudly. "Good job (Y/N)!" I gave him a thumbs up and Kuroo looked at him angrily.

"Don't teach her to steal other people's food! She already bites people, we don't need her hunting for others food." Normally Kuroo probably wouldn't care, but he didn't want me to go on a biting and food taking spree, and who knows what else I might end up doing.

Bokuto pouted. "I don't see the problem! I'm just teaching her the ways of surviving. It's survival!"

"Survival? What is she a wild animal?" He then turned to where I was. "Hey (Y/-" Only to see that I was no longer there.

Bokuto also looked around. "Where'd she go?" They looked around to see me with Kiyoko, going with her to sit with the other managers. "Oh." They both said.

"Kiyoko look at all the food I've gotten!" I said cheerfully.

She laughed softly. "That's a lot of food, you must be very hungry. Don't eat just meat okay? It's good to eat some of the vegetables as well."


The two of us were just talking as we walked by a couple of guys that were nudging and whispering to each other. They looked at us with blushes on their cheeks. "Go go!" One said and the other nudged him back. "You go!" They stopped however when the Kiyoko and (Y/N) fan club began acting creepy in order to intimidate them.

We both looked back at them, and I tilted my head at Kiyoko. "What are they doing this time?"

"Don't pay attention to them. Come on, let's go eat." She says as she makes her way to the other managers with me following. It's weird, whenever the loud duo does something strange and I ask about it, she just tells me to ignore them. Just what are they doing?

So now all of us managers were sitting and eating together. All the other managers were laughing as they watched me and one of the Fukurodani managers eating our mountains of food. We were just blissfully eating. The other manager of the team put her hands on her hips and smiles. "How much are you two going to eat?"

I noticed Hitoka wasn't with us and looked around for her, and I found her being surrounded by tall volleyball players. They don't seem to be doing her any harm, but I could see that she was getting a bit freaked out because of their tall height. 

I got up from my seat and made my way over. "Hitoka I've come to save you!"

She looked my way with hope in her eyes. "(Y/N)!"

The volleyball players that were around her turned to look at me and just froze. Just who is this small girl with illegal cuteness? Seriously, no one could be that cute so it must be illegal. Like, where did she get it from?

I helped Hitoka get some of her food and the two of us went to sit with the managers. Today has been fun. Thanks to this week long training camp, we were able to get stronger. We were ready to face the spring tournament!

I love grilled meat! Steak, pork, chicken, burgers and hotdogs............ Now I'm hungry...

 Now I'm hungry

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