Chapter 5- Time With Kageyama

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The match came to an end. Shoyo, Kageyama, and Tanaka ended up being the victors! Shoyo was laying down on the court, exhausted. I ran up to him. "Shoyo!"

He sat up from where he was laying, and I all of a sudden, brought him into a hug. "Ah! W-wait! H-hold on a second (Y/N)! I'm all sweaty!"

"I don't care! I'm so happy you won! You were awesome out there!" I exclaimed with the biggest smile I could give.

I pulled back and took a look at his face. He looked really red and flustered. "I-I. Thanks!" I couldn't help but giggle, he looked so embarrassed from my hug and compliment.

I turned to Kageyama, who was also resting on the court. He was crouched down and was holding onto the volleyball net that was above him. I approached him. When he heard footsteps approaching him, he looked up to see me. I crouched down beside him and he gave me a confused look. I just gave a smile before speaking. "You did great Kageyama!"

He nodded his head. "Thanks." Instead of getting up and walking away, I just stayed with him with a smile still present on my face. When he noticed that I wasn't leaving, he looked at me with confusion. "Uh, what do you want?"

I gave a small laugh which confused him little more. "Hehe. Didn't I tell you things could change? I also said that you could win this as well didn't I?"

He looked at me for a second before responding slowly. "Yeah... you did..."

My smile grew. "I was right! And they did happen!" His eyes widened a bit. "Kageyama, your growing. Your going to get stronger then how you were last year. I noticed when you and Shoyo did that move, when it succeeded, it felt satisfying right?" His gaze never left me as he listened to every word I said. "Your old teammates couldn't always spike your tosses, but now there is someone who can. With this team, you can trust and work together with them, and with them, you will succeed and win. Teammates are people you can rely on, they are your ally. Your doing amazing Kageyama! I'll be cheering for you and everyone else at the games!"

He didn't say anything for a while, and like Shoyo, his face had turned red and he began stuttering. Does he get embarrassed from compliments like Shoyo? "Th-thanks (L/N)."

"Hey! Didn't I tell you earlier? We're in the same club now, so we're friends. So call me by my first name. All my friends do, and I consider you as one of them now!"

He was still really red in the face, but he gave a small smile "Yeah. Thanks (Y/N)."

With a nod of satisfaction I stood up and so did Kageyama. I raised up my hand for a high five. "Good job out there!"

He stared for a second before giving me a high five. Apparently, the sound of it had caught Shoyo's attention and he rushed over with a displeased look on his face "Hey! What's going on here?!"

Kageyama looked irked and he turned to him. "It's none of your business you idiot!" He shouted. It turns out that even though they'll be working together, they'll still have a hard time getting along. I could only sigh at this. I made my way towards Kiyoko to chat with her for a bit.

(Time Skip)

Not much time has passed when a teacher came rushing into the gym while Kiyoko and I were talking. "It's decided! It's decided!" He shouted.

I turned my head towards the source of the voice like everyone else did. 'That must be the advisor.' I thought to myself.

The teacher was catching his breath for a bit before continuing. "The practice match. It's against one of the top four teams in the prefecture. Aoba Josai High School."

Everyone was shocked to hear this, while Shoyo looked excited at the mention of a practice match against a powerful school. I was looking over at everyone's reaction to the news, my attention was caught by Kageyama's. He didn't seem to have much of a reaction, but he seemed familiar with the name and looked bit bothered. 'I wonder why.'

(Time Skip)

Shoyo, Daichi, Tanaka, and I were walking towards a store to grab something to eat. We were planning on meeting up with Sugawara there. Kageyama was with us at first, but he ran off saying that he had something he wanted to talk to him about.

After a bit of walking, we saw the two of them in the distance, in front of the store. We all called out to Sugawara. "Sugawara!" Tanaka was waving his hand and continued calling out. "Daichi said he'll buy us pork buns."

When we came up to the two of them, Sugawara was still talking to Kageyama. "Aoba Josai is where all of the athletes for Kitagawa Daiichi move on to right?" He asked.

"Yeah, you could say that."

A look of realization came across me and Shoyo's face. I knew that the two of us were thinking the same thing. 'Our team will be going up against Kageyama's old teammates. How does he feel about it?' I ask myself as I looked at him. I can't help but wonder if this and the fact that he was asked to play as setter were related.

They continued their conversation. "I'm just wondering if you might be uncomfortable with that." Said Sugawara.

"I might be if they were on the same team. But if they're my opponents, I'll fight with all I got."

Sugawara smiles, and I couldn't help but to do so as well. "I see. I suppose you would."

(Time Skip)

At the end of the day, I waited for Shoyo by the entrance of the school with my bike. When I saw him, he didn't look good at all. It seemed that some of the other players had been putting pressure on him, and now he went from being really excited about the practice match to being super nervous. On the way back I made sure not to talk about anything volleyball related just in case, so I don't accidentally make him even more nervous then he already is.

Now the day of the match has arrived and everyone was lined in front of the bus. "Let's play!" Everyone said.

Shoyo, who was still not doing well, even looking a bit sick, turned and spoke to me. "Hey (Y/N), I'm going to be sitting in the back of the bus with Tanaka, you can sit with someone else."

"Oh okay. Will you be alright? You don't look so good." I asked with a worried tone.

He gave me a weak smile and nodded his head. "Yeah I'll be fine." He said before making his way onto the bus and to the back of it with Tanaka.

I was looking around the bus. 'Where to sit...' suddenly I felt someone tug at the sleeve of my jacket. It was Kageyama.

"Your not sitting with Hinata right? You can sit with me. If you want to that is."

"Sure!" I sat down next to him. He seemed nervous, but not in the same way Shoyo was. I wasn't sure whether or not it would be a good idea to ask, but I did anyway. "Hey Kageyama?" He turned his gaze away from the window to look at me. "Are you okay? You don't seem nervous about the game, but something seems to be bugging you."

He sighs. "It's not much really. I just feel a little irritated about the thought of seeing someone from my old team."

"I assumed that might be the case. Was there someone from your previous team that you didn't get along with?"

"Well, I didn't get along with all of them really..."

"O-oh right... sorry..."

"It's fine, but there is someone specifically that I didn't really get along with the most. He was an upper class man who was a setter like me. He should be a third year right now at Aoba Josai."

"Oh, so your a little upset that you'll be seeing him then?"

"You could say that, yes. I saw this coming though, since the both of us do volleyball and we're both in high school now."

"Yeah, your right. Don't worry though! You'll do great out there and you will win this match with your new teammates!"

He gave a smirk. "Yeah."

All of a sudden we both hear Tanaka screaming for someone to stop the bus. We both thought the same thing. 'This is worse than we expected!'

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