Chapter 17- Banners and Feelings

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A little bit of time has passed since our match with Nekoma. The boys have been practicing for the matches against the other schools in the Miyagi region. Some of them being powerhouses like Aoba Johsai and Shiratorizawa. 

The day of our first match was drawing near. Right now, it was currently the end of practice. However, there was something that I needed to help Kiyoko with, and because of that, I can't walk home with Shoyo today. I walked up to Shoyo. "Shoyo!"

He smiled at me. "(Y/N)! what is it?"

"Sorry, I can't walk home with you today."

He looked at me in confusion and tilted his head. "Huh? Why?"

"Ummm..." I thought to myself for a moment. Should I tell him. "It's... A surprise!"

"Eeeehhhh?" He pouted but then shrugged his shoulders. "Well alright then. But will you be okay walking home by yourself? It is far from where we live."

I patted his shoulder in reassurance. "Don't worry about that. I'm planning on spending the night at Kiyoko's."

He looked more confused. "What does a sleepover have to do with the surprise?"

Instead of his answering his question I turned around and quickly jogged over to where Kiyoko was at while saying goodbye. "See ya tomorrow Shoyo!" 

'Wh- Wait! (Y/N)! And she's gone..."

When I got to Kiyoko she smiled at me. "Ready to go?"


Just as were making our way out of the gymnasium, Suga called out to us. "Shimizu. (Y/N)." We both turned to look at him. "Daichi says he's buying us pork buns."

"Sorry. We have stuff to do." Kiyoko replied. 

Suga nodded in understanding. "I see."

And with that we made our way to her place. But not before grabbing something.

(Time Skip)

We arrived at Kiyoko's home. We immediately got to work. What were we doing exactly? Well...


Kiyoko and I were in the middle of cleaning up the storage area of the gym. I was focused on an area of it when she grabbed my attention. "(Y/N)."

Curiously, I looked over at her. "Hm? What is it?" She then pulled out a large thing of fabric and rolled it out. I gasped and smiled in amazement. "Wow! It's a banner!" The banner was black and spelled out the word fly. It looked really dirty so it must be old. "Do you think we could use it for the tournament?" I asked. 

She nodded her head before folding it up. "That's the idea I had in mind, but we'll have to clean it up first."

"And I'll help!" I cheered happily.

She smiled slightly at me with a hint of pink on her cheeks. "Thank you."

(End Flashback)

The banner was large and it was really dirty so it took us a while to clean but we managed to get it done. Because it took us a while, it was now late and we were both tired. So we decided that now would be a good time to get to sleep.

Because there was no guest bedroom in her house we ended up sharing her bed like during the training camp. Kiyoko leaned over to turn off the light by her bed. "Good job today. Goodnight."

I laid down. "Goodnight..." I said softly.

(Time Skip)

It was the next day and everyone was gathered at the gymnasium. Kiyoko and I were shuffling about getting ready to reveal the surprise. The boys were about to be dismissed when Takede-sensei, who also knew of the banner, suddenly called out to everyone. "Just a second!" When he got everyone's attention, he continued. "One more thing. Shimizu-san? (L/N)-san?"

The two of us made our way to hang up the banner to show them all. Everyone looked in amazement. Kiyoko spoke up. "We found it while cleaning, so we washed it."

"I'm getting fired up!" Tanaka yelled out.

"That's our Kiyoko-san and (Y/N)! Good job!" Noya yelled along.

They were about to continue yelling when Daichi stopped them. "Wait. They're... not done."

Everyone looked back up at the two of us, waiting. "Do... Do your best..." Kiyoko spoke shyly with a blush on her face.

I smiled cheerfully. "Good luck boys!" I said cutely.

We then scurried away to make our way back down.

(3rd pov)

Neither of them noticed, but the boys were silent for a while. It didn't take long however for the second and third years to suddenly burst into tears.

"Shimizu! (Y/N)! No one ever did anything like this for us before!" Daichi cried out.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were looking over at the loud second-year duo. "Those guys... They're speechless." Tsukishima said first.

His friend spoke after him. "They usually never shut up." They looked at them in disbelief. 

Inside the loud duo's minds, they were thinking of how blessed they were to hear those words from Kiyoko and to see such cuteness from from they're precious kohai. They were feeling so much emotion and happiness that they couldn't speak words and couldn't help but shed tears of joy. To them, that there was true happiness.

The first years were freaked out by their upperclassmen but two of them were thinking back to (Y/N).

Shoyo felt his heart beat fast at the sight of her smile and hearing the cheeriness of her voice. In the past he didn't realize it until a little while ago, but... he just recently learned that he had feelings for his childhood friend. He started to feel weird around her somewhere around the middle of their third year of middle school, but he didn't know what he was feeling at the time. He found out his feelings when he saw her exchange with the Nekoma captain, and realized the jealousy he felt. He loves her... He loves his childhood friend...

Kageyama also felt himself flush a tiny bit from her cuteness. He was fond of her. She may have been friends with Shoyo, but he didn't find her annoying like he did with her friend. He liked her and thought she was a good friend. He was actually a bit happy to have her around. But after seeing her up there cheering them on... He didn't know what it was but he felt something new.

 He didn't know what it was but he felt something new

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