Chapter 4- The Match

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Time had went by. Shoyo and Kageyama had been practicing hard for the approaching game against Daichi, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi. I believe in them, I know they can win this. I'll be there to cheer them on.

It's the morning of the match, and as usual I made my way to school with Shoyo. "Good luck Shoyo! I know you can win this!" I cheered for him as we arrived at the school entrance.

He gave me one of his big smiles. "Watch me (Y/N)! We're going to beat that giant!" He said as he raised a fist in the air, a determined look on his face.

Then, we both noticed Kageyama walking a bit ahead of us, making his way to the gym as well. All of a sudden, Shoyo took off running, while screaming as he ran past him. "Shoyo?!" I was caught by surprise when he suddenly ran off like that, and Kageyama looked equally as surprised.

That didn't last long however as he then had a look of anger on his face and also took off running after Shoyo. "Wait up, you idiot!"

I also ended up running to catch up with them. When I did, they were lying on the ground, exhausted. Tanaka was there as well. "What's the point of getting worn out before the match? You'd better rest up."

I called out to him. "Good morning Tanaka senpai!" He froze and flinched. He slowly turned to look at me. It was a little creepy to be honest.

"D-did you just call me senpai?" He asked slowly.

"Uh, yeah?" I was also speaking slowly, not sure what else to say. All of a sudden, he did a jump and cheer. I was a bit confused.

"Yahoo! She called me senpai!" I sweat dropped at this. "Good morning (L/N)! I hope to hear you cheer for your senpai!"

I gave him a smile and replied. "Of course! Oh!" I stopped for a second. "You can call me by my first name if you like."

He had a shocked look on his face. "Eh?! Why?"

"Well I'm in the club now as manager so I'll consider everyone in the club a friend. All my friends call me by my first name." I explained. "I turned to Kageyama, who was still catching his breath on the ground. "That means you too Kageyama!"

He didn't say anything but just nodded his head, he was still too exhausted from running to really respond. Shoyo however... "What?! But (Y/N), why do you have to have this guy as a friend?!"

"Because he's a part of this team as well Shoyo."

"But-" Before I gave him the chance to finish what he was about to say, I made my way into the gym with Tanaka. "Wait (Y/N)!"

(Time Skip) 

The players were doing their warm ups, getting ready for the match. Apparently Shoyo and Kageyama didn't know that Daichi was going to be going against them. Tanaka and I turned to each other and gave each other worried looks.

Tsukishima started saying things that started getting Shoyo, Kageyama, and Tanaka angry. I turned to look at him and gave him an angry glare, but he just smirked and stuck his tongue out at me.

After hearing what he said, Tanaka approached Shoyo and Kageyama with a smile on his face. I was a bit far away so I couldn't hear what he was telling them. He then turned to look at Tsukishima with a VERY angry look. I flinched when I saw it 'T-Tanaka senpai is scary when he's mad...'

(Time Skip)

I was starting to feel a bit nervous, Shoyo's team seemed to be having a bad start, and Tsukishima wasn't helping.

After a receive from Daichi, which later results in a point for his team, Tsukishima started bugging Kageyama. "Hey, king. Maybe you should start getting serious."

Shoyo then butted into the conversation. "What's your problem? You haven't stopped getting in our faces since the other day. What's this king's toss?"

"Don't you know why they call him king?"

Shoyo looked up at him, confused. "He's called that because he's so good that guys at other schools are intimidated, isn't that it?"

Tsukishima laughed and explained that the nickname was given to Kageyama by his old team and said how he was benched because he acted to much like a dictator towards his teammates.

I was shocked, but not that much. I saw it after all, not the game Tsukishima mentioned, but the one against Shoyo's team. I saw how he was bossing around his teammates. I figured that behavior was going to get him into trouble. And it did... I rapidly shook my head. 'But that was in the past! Things can change, he can change!' I thought to myself.

Kageyama started saying how when he made the toss, no one was there. Shoyo looked towards me, I nodded my head and spoke up. "But you were only in junior high right?" Everyone turned to look at me.

I was starting to feel a bit nervous, luckily though, Shoyo went to stand next to me and spoke as well. "You toss to me just fine. It makes no difference to me." He said shaking his head. He then turned to the giant and pointed at him. "The real problem for me is how I'm going to get past you."

"Kageyama." He turned back to look at me. "Last year may have been bad for you, but things can change, and you can win this match!" I tilted my head to the side and gave a closed eye smile. "You can do it!"

I couldn't really tell but his cheeks looked a bit red, but why? 'Oh no! He isn't sick is he?!'

I was about to ask him but he started speaking before I could. "Y-yeah...thanks."

I gave a sweet smile. "Your welcome!"

His eyes grew wide and I started to grow more worried then before when his face got even redder. Apparently Shoyo noticed and stepped between the two of us, speaking to Kageyama. "We'll win against Tsukishima, become official club members, and you'll bravely play setter." He pointed to himself. "And you'll toss to me. What else is there?"

I smiled at the two of them.

*I should've done and finished this chapter waaaaaayyyy sooner............. sorry...........

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