End 1: Hinata: The Start of Something New

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Now when I said real soon, apparently I meant really soon. And what I mean by really soon, I mean really REALLY soon which basically means right now.

I stood up from the couch with determination written all over my face and Angelina looked at me with a confused look. "(Y/N)?"

"I've made up my mind! I shall tell Shoyo!" I say with confidence.

Angelina looked stunned for a second from my sudden outburst, but then a smile spreads across her face. "Is that so? I wish you good luck."

"Thank you." I say as I march over to the front door and started putting on my shoes.

"Huh? Uh wait (Y/N) what are you doing?" She asks, back to being confused.

"I'm going to Shoyo's house to confess, what else do you think I'm doing?" I say turning back to look at her.

"Right now?!"


"At this time of night?"


"In your pajamas?"




"Are you joking?"

"I kid you not. Buh-bye!" I say as I make my exit and shut the door.

Angelina sighs and shakes her head, but there was still a smile. "... I guess I'll let the girls know." She says as she makes her way to my room. "Let's hope she comes back. Who leaves a sleepover at their own house?"

(Time Skip)

Shoyo's house wasn't too far away from mine. I ran over there quickly, hoping that no one is asleep yet. Luckily for me, I noticed that the lights appeared to be on, indicating that they, or at least one of them are still awake.

I went up to the door and knocked. The person who opened the door was Shoyo's mom. "Hello? (Y/N)? What are you doing here at this time? And in your pajamas too." She asks, looking as confused as Angelina did earlier before I left. 

"I just came here from a sleepover. I have something important to tell Shoyo. Is he awake?" I ask.

"A sleepover? Well then you should be back with your friends then. Shoyo is asleep right now."

I slump my shoulders. "Darn."

"Is it really so important that you can't tell him another time?"

I rub the back of my neck. "Well... No. But I just suddenly had a burst of courage to do it just now."

"Courage?" She raises and eyebrow. "What did you need to tell him?"

"I have a declaration of love that needs to be declared to him." I say casually.

"Oh my." She looked shock for a moment before a very warm and happy smile spreads across her face. "Well if that's the case, then why don't you wake him up and tell him?"

I perk up. "Really?"

A small giggle passes through her lips. "I don't think he'll mind being woken up for this."

"He won't?" I shrug my shoulders before jogging over to where his room was.

When I got there, I practically threw open the door. "Shoyo!"

He was startled awake at the sound of my call. "Huh- who- wha- where?" He noticed me. "(Y/N)? Wh-what are you doing here? D-don't you have that sleepover at your place?" He asks nervously.

"That can wait." I say before throwing myself unto his bed, which brought out a yelp of surprise from him. He got even more surprised when I got close to his face. He started to turn really red. "I have something really important to tell you." I say, my cheeks also turning a bit red.


"Shoyo... I love you." I say sweetly. 


He didn't say anything and just looked as though he was frozen in time and didn't know how to react. I tried calling out his name. "Shoyo?" He then turned mega red all over and it looked as though steam was coming out of his head. He lets out a loud gasp before falling back onto his pillow, seemingly passed out. "Shoyo!" 

You would think I would be more worried but... "Shoyo wake up! I just told you my feelings so you can't just pass out on me and not say anything back!" I yell as I grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him back and forth. "Wake up!"

"WHAT?!" He screamed when he first woke back up a second time.

Then suddenly, someone else opened the door to his room. "Shoyo, (Y/N)! Be quiet!" Shoyo's little sister, Natsu, came in to scold us before marching angrily back to her room.

"Sorry..." We both apologized simultaneously. We both turned to each other and nervously laughed.

I grab both of his hands and looked him seriously in the eyes. "I love you Shoyo."

We were both blushing again. "Y-you really do?" He stutters out and I nodded my head eagerly. He then smiles widely before pulling me into a tight embrace. "I... I'm so happy! I love you too!" He then remembers something and immediately tries to let go of me. "I-I'm sorry."

Before he could let go however, I was quick to wrap my arms tightly around him. "No. It's okay." I started to blush more. "I don't mind it right now... If it's you..." 

He smiles again and we embrace each other. We pull apart slightly before bringing our faces close to share a sweet kiss between the two of us.

Who knew our relationship would turn out this way. We were friends since birth, thanks to the friendship between our mothers. Our friendship remained strong and happy. But now it was time to turn something that has been going on for so long, and turn it into the start of something new.

Ugh... I hope the ending was good enough. Writing endings are actually surprisingly hard for me so I hope this is acceptable.




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