Chapter 10- Back in Action

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Not too long after I went inside the gym, Daichi came as well. I wonder if he saw Asahi on the way? Soon, all the other members arrived and we started practice. When Takeda arrived, he greeted everyone and called them over. "Good job everyone. Huddle up." When I looked his way, I saw that he wasn't alone. "Let me introduce you. This is Ukai-kun, who will be our coach starting today." Everyone's eyes were wide in shock, we have a coach now?

The man known as Ukai turned to all of us. "Only until the match against Nekoma." Oh... That's a shame. But at least we have a coach, even if it's only temporary. "We got no time to waste. Let's get started. I want to see what you guys are made of. The game will start at 6:30 PM. The opponents have already been invited." Everyone was now confused. Opponents? Game? He smirked at us. "The Karasuno neighborhood association team."

Time passed and it was now about 6:30 PM. Four guys came inside the gym, looking around fondly like they had good memories of the place. I guess this is the team Ukai was talking about then huh? Not long after arriving, everyone began to get ready for the match.

There was a problem though, we didn't have enough players for the match. What do we do? I just so happen to look outside when I thought I heard a noise. I looked through the window of the gymnasium to see Asahi sneaking around. My eyes widened when I saw him and I was quick to get Shoyo's attention. "Shoyo!"

He tilted his head. "Hm? What is it (Y/N)?"

I pointed towards the window. "I think I saw Asahi, look."

He went to the window to take a look and he shouted out loud when he saw him. "Hey, it's Asahi-san!" Everyone else in the room looked over at Shoyo in shock when they heard those words come out of his mouth. "Asahi-san!"

I went back to the window and greeted the third-year with a smile. "Hi Asahi-senpai!"

He looked at the two of us in alarm. "Those two again..."

A cross look was present on Ukai's face as went to the door and yelled at Asahi's way. "You're late! Who do you think you are?! What's your position?"

He spoke hesitantly. "Wing spiker..."

"We're short on players. Hurry up and take your position!"

(Time Skip)

The match was about to begin and I noticed that Asahi was standing quietly, looking over at Nishinoya and Suga, who were talking to each other. He had a sad look on his face as he observed them. I decided to approach him. "You know your not the only one on your team right?"

He turned to me. "What do you mean?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Just a reminder. You know they count on you right? Well, you mustn't forget that they're expecting the same treatment back from you. You need to count on them just as much as they count on you. That's what they'd want." He didn't say anything and instead, looked back towards his teammates. I laughed under my breath. "You really like volleyball huh?"

He spoke in a quiet voice, but I could still hear it. "I like being here..."

I smiled softly at him. "All the more reason to play and try your hardest. Be sure to do your best." I gave him a pat on the back. "Just be sure to remember that you're not alone on your side of the court, and to rely on your teammates. Volleyball is a team sport after all."

Again, he didn't say anything, but he gave a nod and made his way to his team to join them. I went back to where Kiyoko was. I was going to help her keep track of the score between the two teams. "What were you taking to Asahi about?" She asked.

"I was giving him some encouragement!" I said cheerfully.

She smiled at me. "That's kind of you, I'm sure he's grateful for it. It's nice to have you in the club (Y/N)."

I rubbed the back of my head and gave her a big smile. "Hehe. I'm happy to be here, and I'm glad that there's another female manager here." I then started to speak shyly. "Your probably the first female friend I've had. It's always been just Shoyo and a couple of other guys from our old middle school... But this year, I now have both you and a classmate of mine as friends. I'm happy!"

She looked at me for a while before laying a hand on top of my head and softly smiled at me. "I'm also happy to be your friend..."

The match started and the team that Shoyo was on were the first to serve. Shoyo served the ball and one of the guys on Asahi's team received the ball and Suga went to set it. I start to feel a bit nervous. I would cheer for Shoyo and his team, but right now I want to see the team Nishinoya and Asahi were on to win. I want to see Asahi successfully do a spike and for Nishinoya and Suga to back him up. 

I began to feel a bit worried and started clenching my fist when Asahi's spike was blocked. To my relief however, Nishinoya saved the ball. The ball went up into the air and I heard him speaking to Asahi. "Even if the ball bounces off the wall... I'll keep it in play. So call for a toss again, ace!"

The ball was going to Suga for him to toss, and he was about to toss it to one of the guys from the neighborhood association, when someone called to him. "Suga!" It was Asahi. The setter looked towards him, to see him raising a hand up high. "One more!" Suga tossed the ball to him and Asahi jumped to spike it. 'I'm not fighting this battle alone.' Was what went through his head. He managed to spike the ball through the blockers.

My eyes widened and a smile formed on my face. Karasuno's ace was back in action.

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