Chapter 23- The End and the Start

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I took a nervous breath and let it out. "Here it is, the final set..." I said nervously.

"Yeah." Angelina was also nervous. "Hey." 

"Hm?" I turned to her.

"No hard feelings in the end right? I don't want anything bitter between us when one of our teams lose after the game.

I immediately replied. "Of course! No matter who wins or loses, that's game. Besides, they can't both win. Someone's got to win, and someone's got to lose. That's just how it is."

She stared at me for a second before a small smile grew on her face. "You're right. No one should be mad at each other after a fair game. Well, may the best team win!"

I smiled back and nodded. "Right."

After the boy's small break, the third set began. At the start, Seijoh was a little ahead of us, but not by much. However, Karasuno continued to put up a good fight in order to not fall far behind them.

Both teams continued to give it their hardest and continued to be even in scores throughout most of the set. At some point we were a little behind, but we quickly got back on track and started to catch up again. 

Even when Seijoh was at set point, Karasuno kept on fighting, and they managed to tie with Seijoh, basically taking away their set point. The set would now continue on past 25 points until one of the teams were two points ahead of the other, and that team would be the winner of this match. It was a deuce.

"I'm so nervous, but excited at the same time!" I said.

Angelina nodded her head. "I know what you mean. It's a bit more thrilling to watch now with the deuce." 

Now even more determined to win, both teams fought even harder. Both of the teams would score a point and would need one more to win, when the other team would score another, taking away that chance. It continued like this back and forth for a long time. So long that both of the teams got their scores in the 30s.

However, even though both teams tried their hardest, it was like what I told Angelina earlier. 'Someone's got to win, and someone's got to lose. That's just how it is.' We worked so hard and we were so close, but unfortunately... Victory was not granted to us.

It was Seijoh's set point, and when I saw the ball land on Karasuno's side of the court, my heart dropped. Those who were cheering for Seijoh cheered, and those who cheered for Karasuno were devastated with the loss. Me and Angelina looked over at the court in shock before turning to each other. I couldn't smile. How could I? But I closed my eyes and held out my hand.

Angelina stared at it for a while before taking it and shaking it. "Good game (Y/N) your team fought well. I was really impressed."

I opened my eyes and forced a slight smile. "Yeah, you're right, and I'm proud of them." I looked up at her with a determined look. "We'll beat them in the spring tournament!"

She looked at me with wide eyes before smiling. "Yeah, and I'll see you then." We both let go of our hands. "I should get going. There's somewhere I need to be. See you (Y/N)" 

"Bye." I waved her goodbye as she left. I looked towards the Karasuno boys. 'I know I said the spring tournament, but...' I looked at the third years specifically. 'Will they even be there?'

(Time Skip)

I was having lunch in my classroom with Hitoka. I was still feeling down about the match against Aoba Johsai, just like everyone else on the team. Hitoka noticed how slow I was eating and looked at me in worry. "Cheer up (Y/N). S-sure you may have lost, but there is still next time right?"

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