End 10: Nishinoya: I Adore You

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It's almost over... 

Of course I mean my shopping! What else did you think I was referring to? Although, for some reason I feel a little down. I don't know why. It's like something else is coming to an end, but I don't know what. Hmm...

I needed more clothes, so I decided to go shopping. I was originally going to do it with Angelina, but something came up and she had to cancel, so I'm doing it by myself, which isn't all that fun. I sigh. "How boring..." I said to myself.

"(Y/N)! Hey!!" Suddenly I heard someone call out to me. I quickly turn my head to the direction of the voice. I was pleasantly surprised to see Nishinoya come running over to me. When he finally reached me, he stands really close and grabs both of my hands. "I knew it was you! I'm so blessed to have seen you on this fine day!" He fanboys. I laugh, which caused another reaction from him. "Even your laugh is as beautiful as always!"

"What are you doing here Nishinoya?" I decided to ask him.

He lets go of my hands, much to my disappointment. He jerks a thumb towards himself. "I'm running some errands for my parents. I need to buy some stuff."

I clap both of hands together. "Oh! I'm doing some shopping as well. Would you like to join me? My friend couldn't so I'm all alone right now."

He was silent for a while, as if he was processing what I just said. "Was I... Just invited by an angel..? This is the best day of my life!" He rapidly nods his head yes. "Of course! As the leader of the Kiyoko and (Y/N) fan club, it is my duty to protect you from the wolves of this world!"

'Fan club? Wolves?' However, I didn't question it. I'm just happy that I can spend time with Nishinoya now. I didn't notice, but while we were walking around and looking at all the shops, Nishinoya did exactly as he said he would. Whenever some guy either looked my way for too long, or was about to approach, he was quick to scare them off.

"I think I'm ready for a break. This is so much fun!" I said happily.

"Yeah, I'm having fun too." He said with a big smile on his face. Then he points over at a nearby bench. "Let's sit over here."

A soon as we sat down, I instantly felt relief in my legs. I was getting a bit tired from walking around. However, looking at Nishinoya, he seemed fine. Not surprising considering he is a member of our school's volleyball team. "Thanks for accompanying me Nishinoya."

His cheeks turn red as he rubs the back of his head. "It's no problem! I'd be happy to join you any day."

"Really?" I asked, blushing.

"Really!" He smiles. "I'd be one lucky guy to get to join an angel on her outings. In fact, I could die from happiness!"

"Don't die Nishinoya senpai!" I said laughing.

He grabs his chest dramatically. "Ah! She called me senpai! A killing blow!" Whether he was joking around or was acting serious, we'll never know. 

I continued laughing at his behavior. "You're really funny."

He blushes. "R-really?!"

I nod my head. "Yeah. You always make me laugh. It's one of the things I like about you... I-I mean!" I start fidgeting nervously.

"You... Like me?!" He looked really shocked at my words.

"N-No- Wait I mean yes- I-I-I!" I was really flustered. I didn't know what to do.

He suddenly looks down. "I see... You only see me as a friend..."

Now I was alarmed. "No!"

"Huh?" He was confused as to what I was trying to say. "Which is it??"

My face was really red at this point and I was now stumbling over my words. "N-Nishinoya senpai... I-I love you..." I confessed. I honestly wasn't expecting to confess this soon.

He was silent. He was REALLY silent. Then-

"YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He suddenly screams, which caused people nearby to turn heads. Great, now I'm even more embarrassed. "My adorable kohai has confessed to me!" He turns to me, his eyes and smile really wide. "I love you too! Does this mean you're my girlfriend now?" He grabs both of my hands and starts begging. "Please be my girlfriend (Y/N)! I would be so happy!"

My face was starting to become impossibly red at this point from embarrassment. I just confessed my feelings, and people were staring at us. However, I was still able to answer. "Y-Yes..."

"HOORAY!!! I'M THE WORLDS LUCKIEST MAN!!!" He cheers. I was now hiding my face in my hands. "(Y/N)!"

"H-Huh?! What?"

He grabs my hands again and leans in close, till we were nose to nose. "I promise that as your boyfriend, I shall adore you!"

Despite my embarrassment, I smiled happily and gave his hands a squeeze. We closed the small distance that was left between us and kissed.


And so ends the final chapter and ending of my story. It was a fun one.

Joining the same club as my childhood friend.

Making new friends.

Meeting old friends.

Cheering on my team at the games.

Helping them practice.

And lastly... Falling in love. <3

The End...



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