Monster - 3/26/2020

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She stared at the man in front of her, not being able to recognize who he was, all she knew was that she had seen him before. That she had seen him in one of those horrible moments of her life, that she completely blocked from her memory.

She stared at the man in front of her not knowing what he did, but knowing that he hurt her. She knew nothing other that he made her life miserable, and that he dared call himself her father so many years after.

This man was not her father, this man was a monster.


I know it's short again.

In my defense, I like it like this.

This is the first of the 3 stories I've written so far that I didn't have to get any inspiration and I'm proud of my work.

I'm proud of myself for writing a little every day, even if it isn't that good, and even if it has only been 3 days, I'm proud of myself.

Thanks for reading this story,

-Lilly Rose

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