Forever - 04/01/2020

22 1 0

I never thought it would happen. I always thought we would last forever.

But I sat there in the lonely park bench, with her walking away, I knew it all ended.

We broke up.

I didn't know what it would mean. Would we never talk to each other again? Would we be fighting all the time? Or would we be able to still be friends?

I couldn't bare the thought of any of the first two options. We had always been friends, since we were in dippers, and we went to the same pre-school.

This is exactly what I feared when I started dating her. I wish I could turn back time and tell myself not to ask her out, but at the same time, I don't regret the time we spent together as a couple and not just as friends.

I don't know how it will be from now on, but I can't worry too much about it, or I will forget that life goes on.


I tried adding a setting. I think I did a little better than other parts. I don't focus on the setting because my stories are so short, that I don't feel it is necessary (I know it is, tomorrow I'll try to remember the setting before I finish writing.

Anyways, remember how I broke the record yesterday? Well, I broke it again, it is now 11:36, I have to go to sleep 10 minutes ago.

Thanks for reading this (even though no one reads this),

- Lilly Rose

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