Choices - 05/07/2020

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Parallel Universes.

The idea that every choice you make impacts your life, and that there are parallel universes in which you made different choices.

When I was young, my parents made a crucial decision to move to a whole new country. So, I always wondered how my life would be if we didn't move.

Think about it.

What events influenced your life on a massive scale?

How could your life be if you or any other people around you made any different decisions?

I was always fascinated by the thought of how our lives are affected by our decisions.

The thought that haunts me the most is that in some of those places, we don't exist.


I wanted to write a actual kind of story, but it's late so...

Anyways, it's 11:46 and I have to go to sleep.

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

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