Shadow - 03/31/2020

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I didn't know what I was looking at.

THAT THING is NOT human.

I didn't know what it was.

He was a tall and skinny dark figure. Like a shadow, but not quite like it. This shadow could touch you. Kill you.

Whatever it was, it wasn't from this world.

I was trying to hide from it. Maybe it would get tired of looking for me. Maybe it will decide it has killed enough people already. Maybe I could run for it.

That was definitely a bad idea. It saw me, and ran after me.

I was about to get to the door of my house. I thought I could get out. That I could trap it inside.

But it got to me, and with his shadowy hands, he took me.


I think this one has a better plot than previous ones, but I'm not sure.

I just finished season 3 of Stranger Things, and watched the trailer for season 4, and so even though I don't usually read or write about actual monsters and sci-fi stuf, I couldn't help myself.

I know that the setting is weak, and that it all has to come from your mind. that is what I have to work on.

Anyways, like always:

Thanks for reading this (even though no one does),

- Lilly Rose

Ps. Stranger Things is amazing I love it with my whole heart and am conflicted of how I feel about season 3's ending. Also, today I set a record on how late I'm posting this since it is almost 11:20.

PPs. This is based on they mind flayer in season 2 (by that I mean that it is like a shadow, just that).

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