Adorable - 04/13/2020

12 1 0

Dogs are adorable.

The way their eyes are built to look bigger than they are. The way they jump and wag their tail when they're happy. The way they move their head to the side or raise one ear when they're confused.

I would die so any puppy would survive. I would give all my food to a dog if it asked me for it.

That is exactly how I ended up with 10 of them.


By the way I only have one dog. Today has been exhausting, I had a lot of homework because it's the beginning of the week, and after I finished them and was relaxed, one of my teachers left me like 6 more assignments I decided to ignore until tomorrow.

Anyways, its 9:32, and I have one hour before I go to sleep that I'm going to waste watching Netflix and eating chocolate.

Thanks for reading this (even though no one does),

- Lilly Rose

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