Gone - 03/30/2020

32 1 0

I sat at my usual seat in the bus. The only difference today is that he wasn't there.

Usually he should already be there sitting by the window, waiting for me.

But today he wasn't. After yesterday, I don't think he ever will again.

He never had to take the bus, he had a car of his own, but he would always take the bus so we could got to school together. I'm not allowed to be inside his car. So, he would take the bus every morning, and we would read a comic or listen to music together, I looked forward to it everyday, to the point that I started to hate the weekends.

I wish I could go back in time and redo last night.

He went to my house to try to talk to me. He knew it was a big risk, that he could listen, and then we would never meet again. But, nevertheless, he came. He threw a rock at my window and after I noticed it was him, I went outside.

He heard me.

My father heard me.

He came to where we stood, and he started beating Luke up, and shouting to never talk to me again.

I wasn't surprised he wasn't here, but I wish I could see him again.


I don't know how I feel about this one. It is inspired by Eleanor and Park.

Of course it is in the case that one of my favorite scenes ended differently and they had different names and they were a little older and he already had his license. Bu that's not the point.

I was just out of ideas and Eleanor and Park is my favorite book.

Usually when I say I'm late to finishing these, it is like 3 pm (I like finishing things early and having a lot of free time), but today I had online school, and I was too tired to write until right now, it is 10:40pm (I started at 10:20pm).

Anyways, Thanks for reading this story (even if it gets 0 views),

- Lilly Rose

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