Memory Lane - 04/15/2020

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Memory lane, something mentioned in books and movies. But what is it exactly? How does it feel? How do you go there?

Answering that question is rather hard.

What is it? Well, it is when multiple memories come flooding back, or when you feel like you're back in the past.

How does it feel? Well, it depends, if the memories are good, it should feel good, if the memories are bad, it usually won't feel as good.

How do you get there?? Well, it could be by seeing someone you haven't seen in a long time, it could be by going back to a place that you haven't been to in a long time or, it could be by living a deja-vu moment.

For me, today, it wasn't a good experience.


Hi, Someone finally read this!! (by the way, it's not that I think everyone should read what I write. It just felt horrible that not even one person read it according to how the app tracks views.) I was inspired by the internet to write about memory lane.

Anyways, its 9:53. A couple days ago, maybe a week or two already, I suggested you read Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. Now, I'm suggesting you read Fangirl, by the same author. It is also one of my favorite books, and actually the fist Rainbow Rowell book I ever read and purchased (that was one year ago, but it feels like yesterday). I've read it like 3 or 4 times already, and I love it.

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

Ps. I like writing everyday.

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