Yourself - 05/04/2020

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Being yourself is one of the hardest yet easiest things to be.

Defining what being yourself means is one of the hardest steps in the process of becoming yourself. Once you decide what being yourself is, you have to decide whether you'll do that or not. Some people hide and fake being someone else, some people can proudly be themselves.

People who are themselves, people who feel comfortable in their own skin, are the happiest.

Being yourself can be scary. Which in my opinion is weird, because even if it feels better, it can feel scary to be ourselves, we feel watched sometimes.

I wish I had more to say about this, but I'm just a kid, I'm just figuring out who I am now.


I know this isn't a story, I'll try to do more (I've been saying that for weeks, and the sad part is that I mean it), I just have to get more inspired, instead of explaining something, write a story.

I've been thinking, and when I reach the 50th chapter, I think I will turn it to one Short story a week, and actually write STORIES.

Anyways, it's 12:25am (05/05/2020) and I have to sleep.

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

Ps. I feel like I have written about this theme before, but in a different way.

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