Jump - 04/24/2020

9 1 0

Her chances were slim, but she couldn't let that stop her.

It was escape or death.

And she wasn't ready to die.

She was scared, but powered with the hope of freedom.

She knew it was her only chance. Either she jumped, or she would be killed.

Slowly she approached the car's door. She reached for the handle, careful not to be too obvious.

She took a deep breath, concentrated, and in one fast moment opened the door and jumped out.

She landed rolling on the grass, every single part of her body hurting, the car was going so fast that it was already so little in sight.

She got up and started running the other way, in the hopes of seeing her family again. She was not going to leave her children.


The first 3 lines are from a Pinterest writing prompts page. I realized I started doing a lot of explaining and no story, so I decided to do another one of those quick stories.

Anyways, it's 10:45. I was going to write this directly after yesterdays, but I decided to do some of my homework first.

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

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