Friends - 05/02/2020

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I found this quote on Pinterest: "I hate you! I'm sorry it took me so damn long to realize that."

The reason Why I'm mentioning this, is because it makes me think of my friend, the one that I blocked.

We were friends for many years. We did many things together. She even moved to the same building as me.

It's not that she was evil, we just weren't meant to be friends. She kept many important secrets from me, and hurt my feelings.

We used to be really close until in 7th grade we were put in different clases. That's when we started to drift apart, and I started to realize she really wasn't that good of a friend.

In 8th grade she was the only 'friend' I had in my class. In the middle of the year there was a trip only some people went to, I didn't, she did. Our friend group basically split in half in between the ones that had fun in the trip, and the ones who didn't go, or didn't enjoy the trip. We didn't fight, just drift apart.

At the same time this was happening, I knew I was going to move to another country at the end of the year, but I couldn't tell them until I had like 1 month left. I was getting overwhelmed with my emotions (my anxiety started getting worse that year) and I started going to a psychologist were she finally confirmed I have severe anxiety.

I told my friends that I was moving to another country in the middle of a party. I had a full on emotional melt down that I'm sure was an anxiety attack, called my friends over to an empty area and told them.

In the next month was when I started "hating" her.

I told my friend that I was seeing a psychologist, I told her that I had anxiety, I told her that the move was overwhelming me. But when I had a bad day, she made it worse.

She would ask me if I was mad at her and I would say no, she would ask me what was wrong and I would tell her that I wasn't having a good day and that I was overwhelmed with everything, but she wouldn't accept my answers, I just needed a hug, I needed someone to be there and not expect me to be happy all the time.

I can't explain how she made me feel. she didn't do anything that was really wrong, she just assumed that if I was in a bad mood, it was because of her in some way.

One day all of a sudden I couldn't speak, just stand there. It happened in the middle of recess while the whole group was talking. All I could do was look at the flowers, and stand there. One of my friends (my actual bestfriend) noticed, and asked me if I wanted to walk. Moving my head and still looking down, I said yes.

We started walking away, and some of our friends where following us, my best friend told them to stay with the group, but they continued following us. Long story short, many people cried that day, and they wouldn't understand that I needed to be alone (or with just one person).

There is really no point in writing about it unless I add; respect other people's mental health. if they say they needed to be alone, don't feel ofended. If they say they're overwhelmed, respect it. Because if you don't, they'll end up hating you.


I know this isn't particularly a fiction story, this all happened, but I had to write it before I'm able to write about something else.

Anyways, it's 11:23 am (05/03/2020).

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

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