Myself - 04/22/2020

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"Be yourself". I think everyone has heard this at least one time in their life. I guess that it helps some people know what to do, but to others, it is one of the most confusing things.

What does it mean to be myself for me? I think everyone has asked or will ask themselves that question one day. I don't have an answer to that question for myself.

I know that I try to be kind and nice, I know that I can be funny and serious, I know that I have anxiety (diagnosed, not that I have to tell you), I know that I'm smart and that I can sometimes be creative. But, What am I really?

The answer is, I don't know. Hopefully I will someday, I'm just 14, it's not the end of the world if I don't know the answer now.

But I hope that someday I will be able to answer that question with complete and total sureness in my answer. I hope that whatever that answer will be, that it is good.

I know that that answer is formed with what I do, so I will start trying to be nicer, work harder, do exercise, get the best grades I can. Maybe then I will be satisfied with my answer, maybe then I will know who I am.


OK, I forgot to do it yesterday again, because I was spending time with my family. We are watching a series together, at this rate, I will have to start writing these things before dinner. Honestly that is not a bad idea.

Anyways, it's 9:47 am. I have to do homework.

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

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