Life - 05/06/2020

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Life is hard.

We have to talk to people, and make friends.

Just by being born, we have to learn to live in society. We have to go to school and then to work.

We have so many expectations on us just by living, and despite all of this we have to try to be happy and enjoy life.

Some people get lucky; others don't.

Some people have good families; others aren't so lucky.

Just because a person has a good life, it doesn't mean that they are happy.

And just because a person has a bad life, it doesn't mean that they can't be happy.

Life is complicated. I don't think anyone has it figured out.


I edited this story :).

I feel like most people at some point realize some parts of this, but I decided to write it anyways.

Anyways, it's 2:16pm and I already finished homework.

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

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