Weird place - 04/18/2020

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I had no idea how I got there. All I know is that this place could not possibly be from earth.

There was a seemingly infinite pathway of doors, behind them there was no wall, behind them was a forest.

The forest was a vivid green, and filled with flowers. Flowery vines sometimes touched the top of the doors.

There was a garden on the start of the hall. The garden was almost a full circle with walls made of tall bushes decorated by vines filled with flowers. There were more doors in the garden, these doors were made of a different material than the ones in the hall. The ones in the hall were made of wood, these were made of marble. The marble doors were each different, some were bigger, some had weird handles or different shapes.

I was alone in this place, and as lively as it seems, I'm sure no one lives here.


Did I just do a whole chapter to describe a place, and not only that but also the next day from when I was supposed to do so? Yes, yes I did.

Anyway, it's 9:49 04/19/2020. Yesterday I forgot to do it while watching a movie with my family.

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilli Rose

Ps. I never edit the stories I make, so I'm sorry for all the gramatical errors you most definitely read in previous chapters.

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