Eyes - 04/17/2020

12 1 0

I was a nervous wreck. In the past few moths I had gotten no sleep with just the thought of leaving my home, and moving somewhere new, starting a new school in the middle of the year.

Today was that day, my first day in my new school. The first Wednesday of this year's March. Not only was I starting in the middle of a quarter, I was also starting in the middle of a week.

Thoughts were flooding my brain with the thousands of ways that it could all go wrong, not even once wondering what could go right.

When I got to the school I had to go to the counseling office to pick up my time-table, and I would miss first period getting a tour. The school was smaller than my last one, but it felt like a maze. I memorized the paths they took me through, but knew that if I was to take any other way, I would get lost.

Like I said before, I was supposed to miss first period, but the tour was faster than expected so, I ended up having to interrupt my first period class, yay (in an obviously sarcastic way).

They were watching the movie, and at the sound of the door opening, they all turned to look at me. I felt lonely, powerless, scared. The teacher asked me why I was there, and I told her that it was my first day, she told me to sit on an empty seat, and watch the movie.

All thru the movie, no one tried to talk to me, something that I didn't know if it was weird or not, because where I used to live, there was a new kid every 2 years. I felt so uncomfortable while watching the movie, and felt grateful when the bell rung.

I was less nervous on my way to my second period. This time I wouldn't be interrupting a class mid-period. But the moment I walked thru the door, I felt worse than before. There were already some kids there, and I didn't know how many more would come, I didn't know what seats were taken, or what seat were available.

I stayed frozen in the back of the classroom, unable to let myself sit down. Some kids noticed me, but they all continued with their day, sitting down where I suppose are their usual seats. I was there frozen for what felt like an eternity, but was most probably just a minute.

I probably looked worse and worse every second, regretting having had woken up that morning. I was like that until someone introduced himself.

"Hi I'm Noah. Are you new?" he said.

"Hi. Yes, I'm new." I realized I didn't say my name after a quick moment. "I'm Grecia."

"I like your name."

"I like yours." I replied.

I had been looking at the floor or around the classroom the whole conversation (something I tend to do since I was a little kid without even noticing), and I finally looked at him. His eyes were so captivating, brown, but intense. So dark that you couldn't stop looking. Most people praise lighter colored eyes, but I find that it is in those most common, in the darker eyes, that you find reasons to be amazed.

We didn't say anything more until the bell rang again, warning all the kids in the halls that they were late, and all the kids in the classroom that class started..

"We should sit down." he said.

"Is there any sit not claimed by someone?" I asked.

"This one." he replied sitting down and pointing to the sit beside him.


Ok, I know that it's obvious that in the long run they date at some point, unless they become best friends and don't what to ruin their friendship. This is kind of like my first day in my new school earlier this year (except for the part of a guy, a girl helped me, and we kind of became friends). Also I started school on a Friday, and in the end of February. Also, I had the same class as my little sister on period 1. Honestly, it was horrible, because I barely got 2 weeks of school before the schools shut down, and none of the people I met exchanged phone numbers with me (I can call some friends, and others not so much). I probably won't see them again because next school year I start high school, and we're not expected to go to school again until then.

I want to add that I have anxiety (yes, diagnosed), and it made me talk to the people that I met less, and less everyday, trying to convince me that I didn't belong and stuff like that. On the last day of school I had, I had a anxiety attack, which caused a group of people who never talked to me in those first 2 weeks, to feel pity, and start talking to me.

Anyways, it's 12:00. Again, I'm writing late.

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

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