Magic - 05/03/2020

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This is a world full of magic.

All the myths and legends, good and bad, live here.

Every creature from fairies to giants, live here.

This world is old-fashioned in buildings and clothing, but they are more advanced than Earth, for they can travel back and forth between it.

The creatures of this land are magical, they learned to spy on us, they learned how to visit us.

When they visit us we see them, but they leave. We started telling the stories, and they stopped coming as much.

We stopped being able to see them as much, and now they are called myths, now they are called legends.


I kind of feel like this is more like a story, the point of writing this book, is to practice writing stories, I'm trying to do that now.

Anyways, it's 9:36pm (05/03/2020).

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

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