Light - 04/14/2020

13 1 2

And just like that it was over, there was absolutely no chance of getting out.

I had tried and tried, but I finally gave up. I hated that I tried so hard for nothing, I hated that there was noting I could do.

When I was giving up and going to sleep, a light suddenly appeared, lighting up the whole room. I looked up to see it came from the door I fell through. A ladder was thrown down, and I was told to climb up. I did as I was told, and went up the ladder, once again being free and happy.


Today I had a homework that lasted 4 hour to finish (it made me read a whole book). I am tired so I did one of the shorter stories again.

Anyways, its 9:30, and I'm going to go watch Netflix of something for one more hour (I already feel like sleeping).

Thanks for reading this (even though no one does),

- Lilly Rose

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