Practice - 04/26/2020

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Isn't it funny how we give up when we're not good at things.

I think it's funny because it's practice that makes you good, it's practice and dedication.

I'm only 14, but I've already had a lot of dreams. They are constantly piling up. Instead of changing one dream for another, I keep all my dreams. That way I will always be happy with the result.

But when I'm gathering my dreams, there's always one that's the most important, that one can change daily if I judge it enough.

Every time I have a dream I love, I tell myself that it is too unrealistic and it won't happen. But I decided to stop that.

This time I decided I want to be a tv producer. I know it's one of the hard to be great dreams, but I can make stories in my head, I just can't figure out how to put them on paper beautifully like in books.

The high school that I'm about to start in August, has Tv Production classes, and a club. I'm going to take those classes and join the club, and hopefully it will help me know if I like that career, and it will hopefully help me get better.

If you have a dream, work for it, practice. The only way you'll achieve your dream is if you believe in yourself, and practice.


I was too tired to do it yesterday. I procrastinated too much. Also, I know no one cares about my some-day dreams, but I'm just really exited for those classes. I'm also taking creative writing classes so that I can actually start writing good.

Anyways, it's 8:33 am on the 27th, and I have to do homework.

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

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