Dream - 04/05/2020

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Don't you hate it when you have a dream you know won't come true. And it's not just a want, it's not just a wish. It's almost a need.

You get so wrapped up in that silly dream, create different impossible scenarios in your head. You know that it won't happen. You know that the chance is close to 0. But you hang on to the tiny possibility there is to it happening. You spend so much time in your mind imagining how it could happen, that you not only forget to work on getting it to happen, but you also forget to live your life as it is right now.

Don't you hate it when you want something so hard, you temporarily forget yourself. And then you tell someone the dream you have, and they crush it in less than a second. That person is protecting you, but it hurts so much.

You are already so wrapped up in that dream, that despite knowing there is no chance of it happening, you still imagine scenarios in which it happens. You still get lost in your own mind. You're still lost.

You know you have a problem. You want to stop it. You want to stop believing that there is a chance of it happening. But you've always wanted it. Sometimes more intensely than the others. The dream comes and goes. Every time coming bigger and stronger.

Every time you believe it more than the last. Every time you loose sense of reality, and you know you do. but you can't stop it. The more you think about how it will never happen, the more you feel crushed, and the more you try to convince yourself that it will happen.

It's a constant battel in your mind. You fight against yourself. On one side, you want reality to win. But on the other side, you want the dream to win.

You know you seem crazy. That's why you can't tell any one. That's how you get stuck in your own mind.


Again, it's not an actual story, but it tells a story. I feel like it repetitive, but that's kind of how it feels.

Anyways it is 9:40 (I actually wrote kind of early today). Thanks for reading this (even though no one reads this),

- Lilly Rose

Ps. It stresses me out that no one even gives this a chance because I work hard to write every day.

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