Flowers - 05/12/2020

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I've always loved flowers.

I've always loved their smell and their beauty.

At one point, almost everything I owned had at least one flower painted on it.

I don't know what led to me loving flowers this much.

Maybe it's the idea implanted in society that all women love flowers.

Maybe I just like them.

But regardless of the reason, I love flowers.


This is the last daily one I'm doing. I don't want to stop, but it's stressful, so I have decided to write one every week, and actually write stories now. This is the 50th day I write one "story".

Anyways, it's actually 12:54pm of 05/13/2020. I didn't write it yesterday because of procrastination and because we ended up watching a movie and by the end of it I was practically asleep.

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

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