Text Him - 03/29/2020

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Usually I write in third person POV but today I'm going to try first person POV.


"Well how I am I suppose to know if he likes me?" Violet asked me. Seriously this girl is getting on my nerves.

"I don't know?" I answered kind of annoyed. "I guess you could just ask him out and see how he reacts."

"You don't know me." She said starting to sound a little more irritated and shoving her face in a pillow.

"I've known you since 3rd grade." I sat beside her on her bed.

"I know," she was sounding weird because of the pillow but she threw it at me before talking again, "But it doesn't seam like it when you keep on asking me things like this." What am I supposed to do? Tell her to listen to her heart and all those mushy things?

"And if you knew me you'd know that is my only answer." And the only rational thing to do.

She got up from the bed, and took out her phone. "I'm going to text him." Finally.

"I would tell you to ask him face to face, but baby steps." She looked at me worried. Oh no, I ruined it.

"Should I ask him out face to face?" She sat down, and I think she started shaking.

"No." She's not ready for that. "Just text him." She got up took a deep breath and started typing.

After a couple second of her typing and checking what she wrote she passed me her phone to read the text. "Do you think it's ok?"

After finishing reading it I answered the only possible answer, "yes," I mean you can see that she gave a lot of thought into the text but I won't tell her that.

"Great." She took her phone from my hand and sent the text.


Today I tried a little harder in honor of me starting virtual classes tomorrow, and I wrote an actual short story (I think), and I actually liked writing it.

Anyways, and even though no one reads this, thanks for reading this story,

-Lilly Rose

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