Out There - 04/21/2020

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Is there anyone else out there?

If you think about how big the universe is, how it continues to grow, it makes sense that there would be some other life out there.

It would be really lonely if we're the only ones that live in this universe.

The idea of meeting those creatures, is what scares most people in a way. We wouldn't know if they would be good or bad to us. Because of this, and because we haven't found any other form of life yet, people say that there is no life outside of earth.

But we are not the center of the universe, there must be something out there.

I believe that we won't get to see life outside of this world, but I still believe that it exists.


Just some random questions I tend to ask myself. I love to think about life in other planets, and parallel universes. When I was little I used to say that every single thing you do affects your life, that if I hadn't just picked up that napkin (I picked up a napkin at this point of the explanation) my life would have turned out completely different than now since I had picked it up. After saying that I always wondered if there was a place in which I didn't pick up the napkin. I wondered if there was a place were I didn't live where I lived. I didn't know back then that I was thinking about parallel universes, that I was thinking about daughter universes (parallel universes that emerge from every choice you make) (the idea that everything you do is important and if you changed one choice, your life would turn out differently).

Anyways, it's 9:03 am from the morning after the day I was supposed to write this. I'm sorry for not doing it last night, but, I was watching a show with my family and we started early, and didn't finish until late at night, so I can finally write now.

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

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