A glass of water - 04/23/2020

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We all know what a half-full or half-empty glass of water means.

They say that the way you see a glass of water that only fills half of it, it can show whether you are a positive or negative person.

It is really simple.

If you see the glass half-full - you're a positive person.

If you see the glass half-empty - you're a negative person.

This is used by many psychologists, so much so, that may people including myself are tired of it. The way I see it, it depends what happened to the glass of water before you see it.

If it was just filled - it is half-full.

If someone just drank from it, or it fell over - it is half empty.

The way I see it, could be as simple as it sounds, or it could be seen as something much deeper.

If it was just filled/If you are loved - it is half-full.

If someone just drank from it, or it fell over/If people use you or you're not loved enough - it is half empty.

In another version of the half-full/half-empty glass analogy, the person holds the glass, asks is it half-full or half-empty. Then, says that it doesn't matter if it's half-full or half-empty, either way, if you hold it up long enough, it will feel heavy, and it will hurt to hold it.


I forgot to do it yesterday again, and have decided to start doing them in the morning. I'm about to write todays chapter.

Anyways, it's 8:57 am. I have to write another chapter and do homework.

Thanks for reading this,

- Lilly Rose

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