Chapter VIII

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Nasir's pov

~1 month later~

I've been feeling sick lately so I went to the doctor to ask him about it. I knew that Augustine came in me but I wasn't in heat or anything so I shouldn't have gotten pregnant. Let's see what the doctor has to... WHAT HAPPENED HERE?! There's blood all over the place and the building is on fire..

"Everyone get out! Demons! The village is under attack!" I heard a guard say. Like everyone else who was alive I ran. I met up with Leilani near the gate. "They're here for me I know that." I said.

"I know.. But I'm not letting them take you away. They already killed my girlfriend..." She said. I hugged her then we both ran meeting up with Augustine. We explained what happened to him and two Saintos came up behind me and grabbed me.

"Don't try to fight against us you werewolves." One of them said. I looked at Augustine and Leilani. "Do as they say. I'm alright." I said as the one holding me gripped his arm tighter around my neck, making me choke.

I saw the anger in Augustine's eyes. They weren't normal at all and as I was slipping into unconsciousness, I felt the grip of the Saintos that was holding me disappear. I fell to the ground coughing. Before I blacked out I heard. "He's one of them! Everyone run!" I heard from the Saintos.

Then I blacked out.

Leilani's pov

I saw Augustine's eyes change. This village that we lived in must have done something to him. It must have unlocked something that was buried deep inside him. He picked up Nasir and looked at me. "Let's go to my cave." He said.

I nodded and followed him. When we arrived he laid Nasir down in his bed and sighed. "You both get some rest. I'll guard the cave so you guys will be safe." He said. I nodded and laid on the ground inside the cave. I fell asleep shortly after.

Augustine's pov

I sighed and made my eyes go normal again. There was a reason why that village had a secret. It was because of me. My family was descended from the very first werewolf tribe. People believed that we were dead but in reality we were hiding.

I sighed again. "It's hard being a Deveta (Dev-e-ta)." I sat down at the front of the cave and kept watch.

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