Chapter IX

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Augustine's pov

It's been a few weeks since that thing happened and everyone who is alive is living in the town close by. Except for me and Nasir. We've been staying in my cave together. "Augustine? When were you going to tell me the truth about you?" Nasir asked.

"About me being a Deveta?" I asked. "Yes." He replied. "I don't know.. But I had to tell you at some point." I said. "True, but I knew that they were still alive! And I know that they were also the first group of people to meet the Seatas (Sea-tas, these people were a group of demons that made the decision to help people instead of hurting them. They were also known as the Rainbow Demons.)." He said.

"Yes we were. That's why I have the ability to change my eye colors. Before we met them we couldn't do that. But after we did we were able to change our eye color." I said. "I don't know every thing about Devetas. Can you tell me more about them babe?" He asked.

"Yes I can." I said. "Well what do you want to know about us?" I asked. "Hmm, what about your powers?" He asked. "Well you already know we can change our eye colors but if we kill someone, they come back as a werewolf a month later." I said.

"Oh." He said. "I have never used my powers. I have powers thanks to the first time I got attacked by the Saintos." He said. "Well our little baby is going to have one tough life." I said sadly.

"I know, but that doesn't mean we can't protect them." He said. I nodded. "I love you Nasir." "I love you too." He replied and laid his head on my shoulder. I smiled and laid mine on his. Man did I love him.

"Augustine, what happened to your family? You never talk about them." Nasir said looking up at me. I stood up and he did as well. "That's a story I don't want to talk about." I said. "But... I told you about my family..." He said.

"I just don't want to talk about them. Maybe you'll find out about them in the future." I said. He huffed. "Alright. But you know I'll get it out of you." He said. "I know." I replied.

"I'm going to go out and go hunting for a bit. Be good while I'm gone and don't get hurt." I said. He nodded. "I will be safe babe." He said with a smile. I kissed his head then turned into a wolf and ran off the go hunt.

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