004. bullshit

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"are you out of your fucking mind?"

David has been having one of the worst weeks ever. His vlogs had been crap and for some reason none of his friends have been in the mood for anything. Not to mention, he's been very easy to annoy lately to the point where the slightest things can set him off. Unbeknownst to him, some of his friends now are actually walking in eggshells around him, scared that they'll do something that'll annoy him any further.

He asked if they wanted to go out earlier but none of them had been up for it except for Zane because well, it's Zane. A lot of them have actually gone out so now it's just Carly, Erin, Jeff, Nat, and Jason. It was one of those nights where none of them were making any effort to create content. Usually David would hate them but this time he was enjoying it more than usual because everyone was pissing him off and all he wanted to do was take a break from any of the stress. And by taking a break he meant talking to Aubrey. She was someone he can talk to about anything. He always thought that his work was everything and that he didn't mind having his career infiltrate every single aspect of his life, but he was proven wrong when he got to talk to Aubrey about just everything. It felt amazing, therapeutic even.

bree 🐝
dave it's getting really late here
i have to go :(
can't have my sleep schedule
even more messed up than it already is

davee 📷
of course bubs
sleep tight xx

David groaned and threw his phone away.

"What's up with you?" Carly asked.

Natalie and Jason looked at each other, wondering whether or not this was going to be the time when David finally tells them what's been going on with him.

"What? Nothing, I'm just so fucking bored," he lied smoothly.

"BULLSHIT!" Natalie and Jason suddenly yelled.

"What the fuck are you two on about?"

"David, don't pretend as if you haven't been completely invested in your phone for the past week," Nat protested, refusing to take his bullshit any longer, "Some of us are even scared to go anywhere near you 'cause all you do is snap at everyone and everything."

"You have been ignoring us and even getting prissy every single time we disturb you when you're on that goddamn phone Dave!"

"I have not! You're just making a big deal out of nothing!"

"Well, sorry for thinking that maybe as your friends and people who you work with every day we get to know what's been taking up your attention lately," Jason responded with annoyance.

David stayed silent. He realized that Jason was right, they deserved to know what's been going on with him lately. The problem is, he didn't want Jason or any of his friends to know about Aubrey. He wanted her all to himself, and most of all he wanted to keep Aubrey somewhat separate from his usual day-to-day life, at least for now.

"Look, guys," David started, staring pointedly at Jason, "this is something that I want for myself. I haven't really want anything for myself in awhile so can you guys just give me space about this? Please? I'll tell you when I want to tell you."

The air in the room shifted, everyone seemed to be more relieved of the tension they once held.

"Ok, Dave, we were just worried. Besides, not gonna lie, you've been such a little bitch lately and it's making all of us so fucking annoyed. Just do better," Natalie finally relented.

"Yeah, ok I'll take that one. It's just one of those things where you want something to happen really badly but the world just won't let it just happen and I guess I've been super annoyed about it. It's driving me nuts." David only realized what's been going on with him as he said it. He was pissed and annoyed that he couldn't meet Aubrey sooner. He was angry at the situation and was basically taking this annoyance and anger out on everyone. Fuck, he thought, how the hell can one stranger have such an effect on me?

Jeff was the one to respond this time, "You need to get laid."

And just like that, the entire group burst into laughter and they were back to being the way they were.


David woke up the next morning with a better mindset and mood. He definitely needed to stop taking the situation so badly and have a better hold of his emotions. The boy opened his messages to see if Aubrey had texted him. Surprisingly, she hasn't. The boy frowned, before typing out a message for her.

davee 📷
I got the biggest
wake up call last night

bree 🐝
Really? What's up?

davee 📷
turns out
I've been really shitty to my friends

bree 🐝
That's sth i never thought you'd say dave
What happened?

davee 📷
I let my anger and annoyance out
on them when i shouldn't have
they're my friends they deserved better

bree 🐝
??? Why were you so annoyed
Anyways? You didn't tell me anything

davee 📷
that's the thing
I didn't even know
that i was annoyed until
I kinda just blurted it out

bree 🐝
What were you annoyed about?

davee 📷

bree 🐝

davee 📷
I think i was just pissed abt the
fact that i really want to meet you but
I can't. And i know that it shouldn't
affect me this much but it does

bree 🐝
dave :(
I really want to meet you too
you know, i have to go to new york this weekend
there's this company event thing that i have to be in

davee 📷
no fucking way
I'm coming to you

bree 🐝
david noo
i'll literally be on the
other side of the country
it's a waste of time and money !!

davee 📷
fuck that
it's my money and my time
and i think i get to decide
if it's worth it or not

With that David jumped out of his bed and ran to Natalie, who was already working with her laptop open in the living room.


"What?" She called out, already not liking where this is going.

"I need a plane ticket for New York this Saturday."

Natalie could only stare at him before yelling, "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?"

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