013. famous vlogger guy

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"i can't imagine a better place for
you to be on."

David could feel his annoyance starting to peak in when he saw a couple of girls walking to his table. He could tell that they were trying to catch his attention earlier by dancing in front of their table while sneaking glances at them. He, as usual, wasn't even remotely interested, but they were getting braver because they were strutting towards his table like they fucking knew each other.

The thing was, David hated being a dick and so did his friends so when this kind of shit happens they usually try to plaster on a smile for the sake of not being rude. His friends, which at the time were only Natalie, Jeff, and Todd, and him, shared a knowing look. The girls greeted them and almost immediately one of them started to start advancing towards him as she plopped down on the seat next to him. The vlogger could not look anymore disinterested. The girl even had the nerve to bring her hand up to his arm, which made him almost roll his eyes. He was about to shrug her hand away when he heard a sweet and familiar voice say,

"Hey, aren't you that famous vlogger guy?"

His head turned to the source of the sound as fast as he could. Standing in front of him was Aubrey. Aubrey fucking Hughes. His sort-of girlfriend. The one who wasn't supposed to be in LA until the next following week.

David froze in shock. He thought he must've accidentally sipped on acid because there was no fucking way that Aubrey Hughes is standing in front of him. On the corner of his eye he could see Todd about to say something which made him snap out of his trance.

"The one and only," he replied, mimicking the first thing he ever said to her. A smirk was starting to form on his face hiding his shaking nerves.

Aubrey smiled, and he could feel her charm starting to radiate off her body. She always had that effect on people. "Cool. Do you wanna get out of here?"

The heiress asked the question in such an innocent and nonchalant way that Todd and Jeff were gobsmacked in their seats. Todd was especially more affected than the others. This girl rejected him, made him think that she was just not into hooking-up, only to show up minutes later to hit on his best friend. Natalie though, couldn't help but grin like a mental person because of how happy she was for David.

David stood up and took a step closer, completely forgetting the girl next to him. Not that he ever really took notice of her to begin with.


David held his arm out to Aubrey, which she took. The both of them then started making their way out of the vip section. As they were walking, with only the kind of grace and attitude a prep school girl could ever master, Aubrey subtly gave the girls a sweep with narrowed eyes, giving them a very simple message: I win, bitch.

The look was only there for half a second, long enough for them to understand.

Little did they know, Natalie was recording the entire thing. Not only did she get the look on the groupies' faces, she also got Todd and Jeff's priceless reactions.


"Did he- Did he just bring a girl home? Nat, how are you so cool with this?"

Natalie just shrugged in response, "He's a grown ass man. He can do whatever the fuck he wants."


Meanwhile, David and Aubrey were struggling to keep their cool. The club was packed with people who knew who David was, and they really didn't want to be caught doing anything, so David couldn't even completely react. Aubrey had even let go of David's hand.

"My car is in the valet," Aubrey informed the vlogger.

"Yeah, mine too," David said.

"Are your friends going to have a ride home?"

"They're good Bree, don't worry about it."

"Where are we going?"

"My house so I can finally react to you being her properly."

David was curling his hands into a fist trying to restrain himself from touching Aubrey. He still couldn't believe the fact that she was there with him.

Thankfully, their cars came at the same time.
"Dave, look, they're here."

"No," David shook his head, "That Audi's your car?"

Aubrey didn't reply to his question but instead moved towards her car. David took the cue and also walked towards his car. As he was getting in, he locked eyes with Aubrey who was in front of him, and of course, being the cheeky girl that she was, Aubrey winked at him before she swiftly got into her car and closed the door.

Aubrey Hughes is going to be the death of me, David thought with a smile.

David led the way to his house for them, noticing that Aubrey was a very good driver, which he found extremely attractive. He didn't even know that a woman's driving skills mattered to him until he saw the way Aubrey drove. Before they knew it, they were back in his Hollywood Hills home.

Aubrey parked her car outside then practically ran towards David who was waiting at the gate for her. She jumped into his arms and let him spin her around a little.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you," David mumbled. With Aubrey still in his arms, he walked towards his front door, not even thinking about putting her down.

Aubrey let out a giggle, "I can walk, Dave."

"I know, but I don't want to let go of you just yet."

David opened the lock to his front door with ease, heading almost immediately to his bedroom and locked the door, since he didn't want to have to share Aubrey with Natalie in the living room once she got home. Aubrey was dropped onto his bed gently, and she could feel David's lips brushing against her forehead. He didn't pull away from their position, but instead, he dragged his lips down to the top of her nose, giving her the tiniest of pecks, then going even more south to where her lips were. He was hovering over her lips for more than a second, but Aubrey could not handle it anymore so she grabbed his face in her hands and put his lips onto hers.

This kiss was the best kiss they shared to date, since it was full of intention. There wasn't really any hesitation or uncertainty like the first time they did it. This was something they had both waited for a long time to do.

They kissed for what felt like hours, before they had to pull away for air.

"Heyy," Aubrey whispered with a smile.

"Hi," David then replied with his signature grin.

"I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, Bree. I've been waiting for this since you left my room that day."

David fell on the bed next to her.

"Speaking of rooms," Aubrey positioned her body so she was facing him, "we really need to stop finding ourselves in your bed."

"Why?" David asked with a smirk, "I can't imagine a better place for you to be on."

With that said, David cupped Aubrey's face to kiss her again. This kiss though, continued on and on and on, until there were clothes scattered on his floor and the only thing that mattered to them was each other.

a/n: guy's i'm curious...what country are y'all from??

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