028. tennis matches

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"more than you could ever know."

David felt like he was facing the end of the world. Robert Hughes was not someone to be messed with, and anyone who had personally met him would all say the same thing.

"Yes sir," David pitched out, "it's nice to meet you too."

Natalie and Jason immediately pursed their lips, holding back their laughter. David was acting the same way he did when he met Robert Downey Junior, but since he's now talking to the father of his girlfriend, it's twice as hilarious.

"I see you guys brought along some friends," Robert pointed to Jason and Nat.

"Yeah, Dad, this is Jason and Natalie, my friends," Aubrey introduced them.

"Wow, sis, you actually managed to make new friends!" Jackson teased.

"Shut up, Jack," Aubrey rolled her eyes, "Guys, this is unfortunately, my brother, Jackson."

"Hey guys, it's good to see you," Jackson introduced himself to the awkwardly standing trio, shaking each of their hands.

"Alright, now that we're introduced, can we please go inside? It's hot in here," Aubrey complained.

Her dad motioned towards the door in response, leading the group inside.

Robert pulled Aubrey's hand, making her walk alongside him.

"I had the chefs set up coffee and tea in the backyard, I was told you guys had lunch already," her dad told her in a monotone voice.

"Oh, thank you, sir," David nervously responded.

Aubrey however had a very unsettling feeling at the pit of her stomach, her father was not a cold person. He was only acting this stony because he was upset with her.

"Dad, come on, you can't be that mad about me not picking up my phone, I'm 23 years old," Aubrey whispered quietly to her father.

The billionaire let out a loud breath and stopped in his tracks, a sign that he was very displeased at what Aubrey just said.

"Jack, take them downstairs, would you? Your sister and I are just going to have a talk."

"Of course, this way guys," Jack led them.

David made eye contact with Aubrey, giving her a 'what the fuck' with his face.

Aubrey just shrugged and gave him a tired face, telling the boy to just go.

The girl and her dad went to the office, where Aubrey still had very vivid memories of being reprimanded when she was going through her rebellious teenage years.

"I'm not mad because you didn't pick up your phone Aubrey. I'm disappointed and honestly, just baffled at how reckless you've been acting lately," The father started.

"Reckless? Dad, I was in a handful of youtube videos, I'd hardly consider that reckless behavior," Aubrey argued.

"Aubrey, I didn't keep you out of the media just for you to shit on it the moment you start dating some social media star, okay? What's this actually about and why haven't you told me anything about it?"

Aubrey stayed quiet for a moment, "For a huge chunk of my life, I felt different, like I don't have a place anywhere. You have given me a very blessed and privileged life that I will be forever grateful for, but Dad, I was so isolated."

"I'm Aubrey Hughes!" She cried, "I'm untouchable by birthright. But then I met David and his friends and for the first time in my life, I felt like I could finally have the normalcy we always thought I had."

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