037. i wanna go home!

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"i only have eyes for you, lover."

Aubrey really didn't know what to do with herself. There were thousands of people on the internet who thought that she was just another spoiled rich heiress who doesn't know shit about the world.

Her publicists told her that this was just a tiny mishap that was going to blow over in a couple of weeks but she couldn't shake the hurt that she felt when she read those comments.

For the first time in her life, Aubrey didn't know how to handle a problem thrown her way. Obviously, she's had people hate on her before, but those people were usually just the usual jealous business competitors or people who wanted her job. They don't actually know her. These people who were trolling her on the internet however, started hating her because they finally got to know her.

Is she the one that's blind? Did she really not deserve her positions and wealth?

Aubrey sighed in her office chair. She's been trying to work for hours but her left-brained nature seemed to refuse to stop thinking about the hate comments she's been receiving.

No. I am not going one of those girls who breaks down because of internet trolls. I am stronger than that. I am stronger than them.

Shaking her head, she started to really try and focus on her current task at hand. And she did, she pushed through her day as if she didn't have a hate party being thrown at her on the internet.

She acted like there was nothing going on because in her mind, there really wasn't.

Things started to get hard again for her at lunch, when people were staring at her with strange looks on their faces. They seemed almost wary of her, like they didn't know how to act around her.

Rachel was the one who took one for the team and finally approached her, "Hey A."

"Hi, Rach! Any idea why people are staring at me weirdly?" She whispered her question to the girl.

"Uhh, I think we're just worried for you. We saw what's been happening online and..."

"Oh, that. It's really not that big of a deal guys, I'm fine. It's probably going to blow over soon anyways," Aubrey reassured her friend.

Rachel shook her head and smiled, "You always have been able to handle things so gracefully. It's really inspiring how strong you are sometimes."

Aubrey beamed at her, "Thanks Rach, but I don't think I'm that great at all."

"You are, A, and for what it's worth, as someone who knows you and sees you almost every day, you should know that I've never thought of you as snotty, entitled, or privileged at all," Rachel told the heiress before leaving.

For some reason, that was the most reassured she felt all day.



guess what


jacob's back
in town

jacob as in
jacob colby???

as in the guy who
you sort of had a
thing with all 4 years
of college but then you
didn't know what to do
with him after?

the 'yep' would've
been enough

ik but it wouldn't
have been as fun

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