018. ridiculous

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"i don't plan on going anywhere just yet."

It has been a few days since Aubrey told David and the rest of the friend group that she was Robert Hughes' daughter and things have been pretty chill with the vlog squad. Well, as chill as it can be in their life. David and Aubrey still live somewhat separate lives with their two very different jobs. They're kind of an anomaly, in a certain way. They were two people who had really different upbringings and interest to the point where the two of them together just didn't make sense. Genius heiresses with real jobs aren't usually romantically involved with famous influencers with satanic tendencies but here they are.

The reality of Aubrey's wealth hasn't really sunk in yet in David's mind, so he hasn't had to adjust with how crazy and out-of-this-world Aubrey's lifestyle truly is, because there's definitely more to it than fun shopping sprees and fancy cars.

Aubrey, however, was starting to realize how crazy David's job really is. She was sort of like the new shiny toy that David has, so he's constantly wanting to have her around him. We don't know whether that feeling will ever go away for David, but as of then, all he wanted was to have Aubrey always near him because he was so fucking obsessed with her. In his eyes, she was the perfect everything since he likes her take on things, he likes how she warns him whenever his jokes are going a little too far, and he likes how he can just start a conversation with her about any topic and it will always escalate into some of the best conversations he's ever had.

Because of his very insistent nature, his want for always having Aubrey around has consequently led Aubrey to spend almost all of her free time with David and their friends, which now also includes Madi and Dani.

Through the time they shared together this past couple of days, Aubrey was slowly introduced to the crazy lifestyle of youtube vloggers. The girl had a lot to get used to. She decided that she really needed to set some lines for herself when she realized that she had stayed up with David all night editing and she still had work to go to. She was very hard on herself on that very stupid incident because she should know better; she hated the power David had over her sometimes.

She didn't blame David at all because he didn't even try that hard in making her stay but she knew that she was going to have unspoken rules for herself. One that she would follow strictly without making it obvious for everyone else.

Once she had drawn some lines, keeping up with the vlog squad became a lot easier. Of course, David didn't even notice because his mind is always on the vlogs. It was fascinating for Aubrey to see how consuming this lifestyle was and how unhealthy it can be at times.

Currently, Aubrey was sitting in the back of David's Tesla, tagging along with him and Jason to go see Charlie Puth. This trip was a last-minute call because David realized he needed another minute to fill in his vlog and Charlie was down to film something with him. Aubrey wasn't really expecting to go anywhere with David that night so she was still in her work attire and she was in a pretty sour mood because she had a rough day at work. She initially wanted to not join him but thought that she would really waste the 40 minutes she spent pushing through LA's rush hour to get to him if she didn't go with him to Charlie fucking Puth's house.

Aubrey knew that one of these days she was going to explode from frustration by how much she had to compromise to accommodate David's lifestyle but she wasn't going to do it now. She's always had a knack for taking care of people too, so she had been taking care of him like a babysitter too without knowing. She really needed to tell him that he needed to start stepping up and put her in his priorities list, or else she's probably going to back out in doing whatever it is she's doing with him. It really was fucking ridiculous to serve a grown ass man hearty, healthy meals before he realizes that he's fucking starving and orders fast food for the nth time that week.

They didn't stay in Charlie's house for long. Thankfully, the bit ran perfectly and they were done in about one hour. Aubrey was introduced to Charlie and of course, they got along really well. Charlie's a fan of her dad and had a major freak out when he found out that Aubrey was one of the original developers of his new favorite app. After they were done filming, they went back almost immediately because David still needed to edit his vlog since it was posting day.

"David, have you eaten dinner yet? Actually, I don't think I've seen you eat anything at all today," Jason pointed out.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to skip all my meals today because I just don't have the time, once we get home I'm going straight to my room to edit," he responded.

Aubrey was fuming on the inside because now she really didn't see a reason why she had to come to him that night but of course, the mom side of her overthrew her frustrations and she ended up being more concerned about how David hasn't had anything to eat that day.

Jason made eye contact with the Hughes girl through the rear-view mirror, giving her a look. Aubrey just shook her head in disbelief and looked out the window, staying quiet throughout the entire ride back to Studio City.

David didn't even spare another second once his car was in park. He immediately jumped out and went straight towards his room. Aubrey sighed and went to the house begrudgingly. Almost angrily, she set her things down on the couch and headed straight for the kitchen where Natalie was sitting on the counter.

Looking at her friend's resting bitch face, she started to open her mouth to say something but was nudged by an exhausted looking Jason. The older man just shook his head, as if telling Nat that now was not the time.

Aubrey started to angrily whip something up in the kitchen, slamming the cabinet doors a little more loudly than usual. She kept quiet the entire time, not even giving a gossiping Natalie and Jason a mere glance. She knew that Jason and Natalie were probably talking about her but she couldn't care less.

She finished cooking in about half an hour because she only had it in her to cook a simple pasta dish. Taking two water bottles from the fridge, she brought the food down to David's bedroom, where she went in without even knocking. David was leaning on his headboard with his laptop on his lap, furiously working on his vlog. Aubrey walked up to him and sat next to him on the bed, without him even acknowledging her presence there.

Slowly she started twirling the noodle in the plate with a fork then she brought it up to David's lips.

"Eat, Dave. I won't be able to sleep tonight if you don't eat anything today."

David ate the food wordlessly, with Aubrey feeding him his entire meal because he really didn't have the time to stop working and eat. After he was done, she gave him the water bottle and moved to get out of the bed.

"Alright, I'm going home. I'll see you soon, okay?" Aubrey informed the busy ass boy.

"What? You're not going to accompany me?" He pouted.

"Not tonight," She pecked him on the cheek.

Aubrey went out of the room and went to the living room where her things were. Jason was still there on his phone, whereas Natalie had probably retired for the night. Jason looked up when she was gathering her belongings tiredly, "I know what you've been thinking. It's really fucking ridiculous how ignorant he is sometimes with his own body and with the unhealthy way he's living,and I know that he's taking you for granted and he hasn't been treating you the way you deserve to be treated, but I have to tell you, he is so fucking lucky to have you in his life now. You've honestly done so much for him and I know that it's like he can't see the unbelievable things you do to help him but just go talk to him first, okay? Give him a chance, A."

Aubrey smiled softly at Jason, "I know, Jason. He's really lucky to have you too, you know. And don't worry, I don't plan on going anywhere just yet."

Shortly after, Aubrey left the house with a million thoughts going through her head.

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