062. twitch

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"please, you can't afford me."

David and his gang were all chilling in his house one night when more people that he didn't even invite started showing up. He was about to ask who invited them when he saw the sheepish look that Zane had on his face. The Netflix star just sighed, succumbing to the rambunctious night he was about to have.

Initially, the 26 year old wanted nothing more than a chill night in where they can just order food and fuck around, coming up with stupid antics that he might compile for his next vlog, whenever that might be, but no, fate seemed to have other plans. The worst part was, Taylor wasn't even around because she was off work which means he didn't have his fake mom around to dote on him all night.

On the basis of not wanting to be rude, David put on a smile for everyone in his house, deciding to act positive and make the best out of the situation as always. They were doing just fine, he even opened up to Madison after a bottle of beer.

The instagram model had been very pleasant that night, reminding him of the Madison he first befriended not long after he arrived in LA. With this Madison, he can even imagine himself dating her. Sadly, this version of Madison rarely ever comes out, these days, Madison acts like almost every other girl in LA, which is perfectly fine but David just can't really picture himself being with one of them. She feels like just another face in the crowd.

A conversation that they like to have is about the movies and celebrities. Madison's always full of fun facts which has always made David excited about things. Back when he was still with Aubrey, the girl would explain to him about anything scientific that he didn't understand, taking that burden off of the rest of his friends. Madison wasn't exactly as smart as her, but she definitely knew how Hollywood works, so sometimes she even made the time to make sure he was understanding things about the business correctly.

"Dave!" Nat yelled from the kitchen.





David chuckled a little, slightly confused as to why Nat had to ask him that since she should know by now that he cannot care less about the food, especially the groceries, in his kitchen.

"DO YOU HAVE A LARGE POT?" She yelled again.

The question only made David sigh, reluctantly getting up from his position.

"I should probably make sure she has everything she needs," David excused himself from Madison, which earned him a nod in response.

David made his way to the kitchen, where Natalie is opening up the cabinets below the counter trying to look for that pot. He noticed that a lot of people were hanging around there, probably also waiting for Nat's pasta.

"It's on the very top cabinet," He told her, knocking on his fancy cabinet to open it. The doors open automatically, only proving how much money this man has in his dispense.

David grabbed the pot for her, as the girl's shorter figure could never reach that height. "Here."

Nat thanked him before continuing to make her way in his kitchen. Instead of returning to his spot next to Madison on the couch, he chose to stay in the kitchen and sit on the counter with his other friends.

"You and Madison seemed pretty close earlier," Heath pointed out to him.

"What do you mean? We hang out together all the time."

"Yeah, but this time you're actually talking together. Is something finally happening here?" Todd joined in.

"No," David replied quickly, "I don't know I just can't picture myself with her, like ever."

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