007. boxes to tick

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"where are you staying tonight?"

David and Aubrey started off their date not being entirely sure where they were going, so they ended up in Central Park. In all honesty, it wasn't bad, just super clichè. They sat at one of the benches and ate their food whilst taking about anything they could think of. Not long after they were done, the both of them continued to walk around Central Park until Aubrey remembered that there was a really nice ice skating place that opens until midnight on saturdays.

Coincidentally enough, they were not far from the place and it only took them 10 minutes to get there. Turns out, the ice skating place was located on a rooftop, which made it look ten times more fancy it would look in a normal place. It wasn't as crowded as the both of them thought it would be, and they got to be on the ice quicker than they both thought. Thankfully, both of them knew how to ice-skate, so at least their date wasn't going to be anymore cliche than it already is.

"This literally feels like I'm in some type of rom-com," David expressed while trying his best to keep his balance.

"I know, oh my god, imagine if this place is like closed though and we snuck in."

"Oh that would be perfect, and one of the guards would find us and yell at us so we'd run out of here laughing only to find ourselves back at the streets just walking around."

Aubrey giggled, "Exactly!"

They stayed at the rink until midnight, staying a little longer for a cup of hot chocolate at the cafe beside it. The entire place was very much overpriced but none of them seemed to mind it at all.

For some reason Aubrey and David ended up in a club. She made sure it wasn't one that her dad owns so no one will be able to report back to him. Aubrey ended up at the dance floor by herself, dancing in the most sultry way she can, keeping her eyes locked on David who was, of course, just standing by the bar.

David, being the dork that he is put his head back and laughed at her, which then made Aubrey laughed and gave up dancing entirely. With a grin on his face he practically ran to her and grabbed her face to give her the kiss the both of them have been waiting for.

Aubrey and David ended up smiling through the kiss and having to pull away. "God, Dave, we're really ticking all the rom-com cliches boxes tonight."

Aubrey kept her arms locked around his neck, smiling up at him.

"Well, rom-coms are the best," he replied.

"Uh-huh, now, do you wanna tick another one of those boxes for me?" She asked cheekily.

David raised his eyebrows in question, as if asking her to elaborate.

"Where are you staying tonight?"

Now, David might be the king of youtube, and he might just be the pickiest guy with the weirdest habits around, but underneath all that, he's also just a guy. So it was bold for anyone to assume that all they did that night in David's hotel room was just a friendly sleepover.


Aubrey woke up with a groan. Her phone hadn't stopped ringing and vibrating for the past minute and it woke her up in the worst way possible. She grabbed it from the bedside table and checked the time before looking at her notifications. She let out a breath of relief when it shows that it's only 9 am. However, that relief was shortlived when she realized where she was.

To her right was David, sleeping without a care in the world. Both of them were in nothing but their underwear. Flashbacks of the night they shared together came into her mind, and as of that moment she wasn't really sure if she regretted it or not.

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐘𝐎𝐔,   d. dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now