059. clickbait

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"we get it, you're ecstatic to see my ex-girlfriend."

David did not know what to do with himself. When Natalie asked if Aubrey could come to their weekly brunch he for sure thought that she was joking. But no, his childhood best friend had to mean it.

And so, the man decided to hire an entire team of cleaners to deep clean his entire house. He made sure the pool was clean, the garden was taken care of, and he even made Taylor come in earlier to help him set the table. Usually brunch wasn't this serious at all since it's really only him, Nat, Ilya, and Taylor reliving their best moments from years ago. They'd drink beers and order from a random fast food restaurant before the rest of the gang come and join them as the day progresses.

But this time it was different, his ex was coming to see him. It really was fine because they had their closure and everything was good between them but still, he couldn't help but feel nervous about the entire thing. His mind kept thinking about whether or not she'll like the house or if she'll feel comfortable in it.

Knowing Aubrey would love to eat outside, he made Taylor set everything up at the outdoor dining table. He also made her get food from the best brunch place in LA. He was definitely going to hear it from Nat and Ilya later but he didn't care. He had to look put together and grown up for Aubrey, she can't know that even after two years he's just another lonely guy living in a house way too big for himself.

David spent the half an hour before his guest arrive just pacing around the living room, looking for an imperfection. He almost drove Taylor insane but thankfully she's seen every side of David so it didn't bother her.

And alas, the long awaited doorbell finally rang throughout the house.

"Tay!" He called.

"Yes, yes, I'm getting the door, calm down," Taylor said, jogging to the door.

David heard her before he saw her. Without even looking, he could picture her reunion with Taylor and how she probably made Taylor feel like she's not just an employee just by her actions.

Nat and Todd walked in together hand in hand with Aubrey right behind them. The couple looked like they were right at home whereas Aubrey just looked nervous.

Deciding to relief her from her nerves, David kindly approached her.

"Hey," He greeted.

"Hi," Aubrey beamed, "It's good to see you."

"Good to see you too. I hope it's okay that I'm here."

"Of course it's okay. Welcome to my new home."

Aubrey looked around the big house, "Thank you. I love it, feels like the next level of the Studio City house."

"That's exactly how I wanted it to be."

The girl just nodded along to what he's saying, "Do you live here alone?"

"Yeah. I mean, Ilya and Nat crashes here sometimes. Taylor too when work's a bitch."

"Oh, cool."

Before it got awkward, David led them to the outdoor dining area.

Aubrey gasped, "Yes, I love eating brunch outside! The weather's perfect too."

Nat and Todd looked at each other knowingly. David had never ever used this spot for himself. This part was really only ever used if someone else uses it. He's never had any of his meals there.

"Yeah, isn't it great? We use this place all the time," Nat snorted.

Todd and Taylor almost choked on their food from laughter.

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