032. god's favorite

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"holy fuck the boy's surprised!"

"What's up guys, today is my birthday and as always Jason is going to do a horrible job of distracting me all day so that my friends can throw a surprise for me at the house!" David laughed, vlogging with his trusty camera in his car with Jason next to him.

The older man scoffed, "David, let me tell you something, at this point none of us actually enjoy giving you surprises we just do it because our jobs depend on it."

That, of course, made the Slovak laughed again.

The two best friends made their way to Beverly Hills, where David believed Jason Derulo lives.

"Whoa, this house is bigger than I thought it would be," David expressed as they pulled up to the driveway of the enormous house that looked more like a compound if anything.

"And to think, this is what you get for telling people to wiggle their butts," Jason deadpanned. Internally, he was elated that David still had no idea that they were actually in the house where the party was going to be at.

He had to admit, the house was extremely huge. This was also his first time seeing it because the main party planners made sure to not keep him on the loop for the sake of the secrecy. The dad had absolutely no clue what was in store for them.

He really had to give Aubrey props though, there was no car or any hint of party in sight. It really looked like another regular day in the life.

He shot Aubrey and Natalie a sneaky "we're here" text before following David out the car and to the front door.

"Damn, I don't even know if I want a house this huge," David told his friend.

"Oh, you don't?"

"Nah, this is way too much. I feel like when Aubrey and I get to it, I'd want like a house just big enough for a family, you know? I see no need for an extravagant one."

"Yeah, I can see Aubrey agreeing to that. Is that your goal with her, Dave? Everything? The whole nine yards complete with white picket fences and a golden retriever?"

"I mean, I told you already, when I get into a relationship then it's for life."

Jason smiled at David's answer. He could see Aubrey and David making it too, despite his usual realistic view of everything.

Their conversation ended there since they finally made it to the grand front door. It looked like a gate on its own.

David rung the doorbell and the door almost instantly opens.

It took about one second for him to jump in shock as he heard a really big group of people yell out "SURPRISE!"

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" David shouted, holding a hand over his heart.

"OH MY GOD!" The vlogger laughed.

"HOLY FUCK THE BOY'S SURPRISED!" Zane exclaimed, excited.

The group cheered, and David started greeting everyone. They were still at the foyer of the house, so he hasn't even seen the madness that is David's Vlog World.

He was shocked to see everyone there, and he meant EVERYONE. Some of his hometown friends were there (well, only Reggie and Dima were there but it still counts) and so were really cool celebrities that he haven't really met before. Nevertheless, he was pretty bumped out when he found out that Aubrey really wasn't there amongst the crowd. She really did leave.

Kylie and Kendall Jenner also came which kind of mind-fucked him because why would they come to a regular house surprise party?

"Dave, seeing you actually surprised today was one of the highlights of my life," Jason started, "But, for once in our lives, we have more in store for you."

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