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The blinding bolts of the lightning strike behind her and to the sides. The screams of anger from her parents as she runs away fade in the harsh rumblings of the thunder. She runs into the forest and the lightning seems to follow her in. The strikes hitting the forests and starting trees on fire. Fortunately the rain pours out and is able to keep the fires from spreading until finally the flames are put out.

"You need to stop before you kill yourself and everyone with you!" The boy yells at the girl, but it's like she can't hear him.

"You need to stop!" The boy yells again, but again the girl doesn't pay any attention to him.

"Knock her out and set her down gently. The lightning is terrifying her and I don't think she has control of it right now." The boy tells his companion or rather yells just to be heard over the roaring of the rain, fire and thunder and lightning.

The other boy nods and suddenly the girl stops looking terrified as she starts to fall unconscious. The second boy seems to be concentrating and the girl is brought over to them as if she is flying through the air.

"Ethan, see if you can finish putting out those fires." The first boy orders and the same boy nods and turns his attention to the fires.

"Damn, the girl is strong." Jet whispers looking at the female with a mixture of respect and anger. The girl after all damn near killed them all, but if it was because of what he suspects, it wasn't her fault.

The first boy goes over to the girl and picks her up. Ethan needs to concentrate on the fires and not on floating the unknown female around.

"What are we going to do with her Talon?" Jet asks of the first man.

"We're going to take her home and train her. It's obvious that no one has. After that it will be up to her what she does. As she is now, she's a liability to the whole supernatural world, she will be killed or captured and we can't allow that." The three boys nod in unison. No one wants to be captured and studied. Too many of them have disappeared and never come back.

Talon shifts his grip on the girl and carries her to their car. She's going to have a hell of a headache when she wakes up. The kind of power she was using doesn't come cheap and untrained like she was, she was expending far more power than she needed to. She'll be lucky to wake up in the next three days. 

Keeping her fed to keep her alive is going to be just so much fun. Talon allows the sarcasm to come through his thoughts.

She starts shivering so badly that he almost loses his hold on her. "Fuck she's going into shock."

They are all drenched from that rainstorm from hell and didn't have anything to wrap her up in. 

Ethan concentrates and slowly her clothes become dry and the car warms up considerably. After about five minutes Ethan sits back exhausted. "I'm sorry, I can't do any more. I'm not as strong as you guys."

Jet pats him on the back, "That's alright, you calmed down those fires so they wouldn't spread. That would have taken a lot out of you."

Ethan looks at Jet thankfully before closing his eyes and passing out.

"Jet, once we get home, open the doors for me. She'll stay in my room until she wakes up. After that fix some food for everyone. Better make it soup, at least for her. I'll feed her before coming down."

"Yes, Talon, are you going to change her? We don't really have any girls clothes."

Talon looks at the worn clothing that the girl is wearing. "Even wearing boys clothing it will be better than what she has now. Those pants are too small for her, even though she's not big. That top looks like it was meant for a child two years younger than her."

Jet takes another look at the female still cradled in Talon's arms. "She can't be more than fourteen." There is more than a little awe in his voice.

Talon frowns as he takes a closer look at the female. "I think you are wrong. She might not be tall, but she has the curves of an older girl. She might be sixteen or seventeen."

Jet looks at Talon and shakes his head. The girls shirt was no longer plastered to her, thanks to Ethan drying her out, somewhat, but she is too small to be an older teen.

Talon sighs, "Doesn't matter right now. Just get us home and do as I asked."

The girl is still shivering. Either she's still in shock or she is more chilled than he had thought. His money is on  shock, but either way a hot or at least a warm bath will help with that. Then he'll have some of his clothes warmed up for her to get dressed in.

They get to their home and Jet races around to open doors for Talon and the girl.

"Turn on the electric blanket for me before you leave, please." Talon says taking the girl into the bathroom and closing the door. He gently sets the girl down on the floor frowning. Not the best place perhaps, but there really is no other place to set her.

He sets about getting a warm bath ready for her and then makes sure that there are clothes warming for her as well.

He hisses as he sees the welts from the over small pants where they've cut into her poor body. He also sees the poor state of her underclothing. He'll have Ethan get a few general items for the girl tomorrow. He'll take her shopping for herself once she wakes up.

He's just happy to see no physical signs of abuse. The girl must have had a reason to go running into the forest and setting it on fire. That kind of reaction generally comes from rage. Pent up anger that has built up for years. 

So she wasn't physically abused, but it is still possible that she was mentally and emotionally abused. He hisses at the thought of what other kind of abuse she could have gone through. He truly hopes that she didn't have to suffer through that as well.

He carefully and methodically washes her hair, making sure to add conditioner to it. It is terribly dry and with as many tangles as there are, it will be very painful to brush through if he didn't.

"What's your name, little one? I wonder, just what and who you were running from?" Talon finishes the bath and makes sure the girl is well dried and carefully dresses her and then once more carries her to the bed.

After tucking her into bed he silently leaves the room to see if dinner is ready yet and if Ethan has awakened.

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