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Xera exhales more than a little bitterly. "I'll give a bit more background before I do that. I have both parents and two older siblings, twin brother and sister. All my life I've been invisible, barely tolerated by my family and almost completely ignored by all others including teachers.

"You are," Xera looks directly at all of the boys, "the first people to actually see me. Not even my parents see me. They don't abuse me, but ignore me unless they want to blame me for something.

"I don't know how long I've been here, but the last day I remember began as normal. "Ivy, get your ass up. Your siblings had to leave early so I have to take you to school today. We leave in ten minutes." Ivy wakes up with those words and jumps up. She has no desire to walk to school without the proper amount of time. Her mother would leave her. Just as her siblings would leave her if she's not ready in time. It takes most of the time just to force the too small pants on and do them up. It brings tears of anger that she hasn't had any new clothes that fit and her siblings get new clothes all the time even though they have many that they don't even wear.

Xera flies down the stairs with her bag in one hand and her shoes in her other hand. She gets in and does up her seat belt just as her mother starts the car and starts backing up. Xera bends over painfully since the pants are so tight that it cuts off her breathing. She gets her shoes on as fast as possible. She finishes up just as they get in sight of the school.

"Your siblings had a meeting before school, that's why I had to bring you today." Her mother says bitterly. If it weren't for appearances she wouldn't be bringing her youngest to school. 

"My siblings didn't have a meeting before school. They just wanted to get here early so that they could get the benches in front. They want to see and choose who they will be hooking up with today. The benches are first come first serve. If they aren't there first then they won't be able to have the best view of who they want."

Her mother was incensed that Xera would say something like that about her siblings. "How dare you say something like that about them?"

"You're kidding right, mom? Tiffany's name is written on the walls of every boys bathroom in the school with her phone number in permanent marker. Tason acts as her pimp when it comes to parties and what not. Where do you think they get their extra money? Tason also hooks up for a price." Xera's mother was shocked into silence, but her face darkens in anger.

"If you don't believe me, mother, look over there. They are surrounded by people and if you look closely you will see money changing hands." Xera tells her mother and leaves the car as her mother looks over at the crowd of people and finds her children.

Xera doesn't wait any longer and slips away.

As she goes through the halls she is unaccountably accosted by some male student. "Let me go. I have no desire to get any of your STD's." Xera, is held up even tighter. She turns around and punches the male that is holding her as hard as she can. The male lets her go.

"You bitch!" The student says holding his nose that has started bleeding.

"You are the one that grabbed me, when I told you to let me go you even held me tighter. I'm not a plaything like my siblings. If you want to have sex, talk to Tiffany."

"Tiffany's the one that told me that you are just like her." The male says with a sneer as he looks Xera over with her too tight, too small clothes.

Xera gives the male a sneer, "I'm not a whore, and I'm not for sale."

"That's not what Tiffany and Tason are saying about you."

Xera mocks the male in front of her, "Any one that listens to those two is stupid enough to deserve whatever they get. They are known liars and thieves and yet, people are still stupid enough to listen to them. It never ceases to amaze me the stupidity of people. Little sheep following the leaders to the slaughter without even a second thought. Run along little sheep, run along."

The male gets a nasty look at Xera then smiles as he leaves. Xera sighs and goes to her locker. When she finishes she turns around and finds the male student that accosted her and the principal with him. "Starting fights, Miss Lexicon?"

"No, Principal Washburn, and if you would take a look at the security tapes you would see that that lovely specimen of humanity grabbed me. When I asked him to let go he held on even tighter and that's when I hit him. I have the bruises here on my arm to prove it. Just because he believed me to be a whore just like my sister and brother are." Xera says looking the principal directly in the eyes. The male student is now not feeling so confident and is sliding or trying to slide away.

The principal on the other hand is less than pleased with Xera's words. "You will come with me to my office, Miss Lexicon."

"Not without a female present. I refuse to be in a closed office with a male that is known to have sexual relations with the female students." The principal turns white at her words then an angry red.

"That is a serious accusation you are giving." By now there is a group of students avidly listening in. The former invisible student going head to head with the principal.

Xera gives a bitter chuckle. "It's a well known  fact. Tiffany brags about how often she's gotten away with things by having some private time in your office. She rates you about a seven, by the way." With those words the students whispers run rampant and ohh's are heard throughout the hall.

"Is that all, Principal Washburn? Because I have class to get to if it is." The principal doesn't say anything and Xera goes to class. The student that started it all tries to disappear and the principal grabs him and hauls him to his office.

The day dragged on, more than a few males tried to grab or inappropriately touch Xera throughout the day and she retaliates immediately. Word goes out that it's best to not touch her, but she's still getting harassed by their words as she walks by them. Finally her day at school is done, but now she has to walk home. The last thing she needs is to be in the same vehicle as her siblings, not that they would have waited for her.

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